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not so long back frankie boyle wanted a usa style election process, average libtard

What's that got to do with not liking who another country have elected?


libtards dont like democracy when they lose


So far as I know he still likes the American election process. Not liking who people with a different culture in a different country voted for doesn't have much to do with whether you like their process or not.


only liking the process but not the outcome:rolleyes: libtards thinking....


So you've never disliked the outcome of an election? laugh.png Pull the other one.


nope, its called democracy

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not so long back frankie boyle wanted a usa style election process, average libtard

What's that got to do with not liking who another country have elected?


libtards dont like democracy when they lose


So far as I know he still likes the American election process. Not liking who people with a different culture in a different country voted for doesn't have much to do with whether you like their process or not.


only liking the process but not the outcome:rolleyes: libtards thinking....


So you've never disliked the outcome of an election? laugh.png Pull the other one.


nope, its called democracy


Democracy doesn't mean agreeing with the outcome of an election. Why bother having an opposition party if it did?


EDIT: Meant to write "liking" rather than "agreeing" there.

Edited by HeliX
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apologies to woody2 and the trumpettes, but here is a link to the guardian.


i thought the one he did on the clintons was a better one in fairness to him but i haven't got a link to that. find it yourselves trumptards


Trump = obnoxious..... the words pot, kettle and black spring to mind with Boyle as the author.



Difference being that one is a comedian (irrelevant of whether he is to your taste or not) and one is occupying the highest office in the land (of the US)...

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not so long back frankie boyle wanted a usa style election process, average libtard

What's that got to do with not liking who another country have elected?


libtards dont like democracy when they lose


So far as I know he still likes the American election process. Not liking who people with a different culture in a different country voted for doesn't have much to do with whether you like their process or not.


only liking the process but not the outcome:rolleyes: libtards thinking....


So you've never disliked the outcome of an election? laugh.png Pull the other one.


nope, its called democracy


Democracy doesn't mean agreeing with the outcome of an election. Why bother having an opposition party if it did?


why bother having elections then? the libtards dont want them....

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It does amuse me how there seems to be a divide opening up now within society between the lefties and everyone else. By everyone else I mean anyone who doesn't subscribe to their blinkered view of the world. People who have a level head on their shoulders and who can take a rather dispassionate view on Brexit or Trump now get lumped into a 'right-wing' category because they don't espouse views that the world isn't caving in or that we're now heading into the dark ages.


The sad thing is you'll probably now see a rise in the likes of those loonies in the Socialist Workers Party and young impressionable students will now think there is only one way of looking at the world, instead of just using their eyes and ears and judging for themselves as opposed to listening to the force fed propaganda of the lunatic fringe.

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It does amuse me how there seems to be a divide opening up now within society between the lefties and everyone else. By everyone else I mean anyone who doesn't subscribe to their blinkered view of the world. People who have a level head on their shoulders and who can take a rather dispassionate view on Brexit or Trump now get lumped into a 'right-wing' category because they don't espouse views that the world isn't caving in or that we're now heading into the dark ages.


The sad thing is you'll probably now see a rise in the likes of those loonies in the Socialist Workers Party and young impressionable students will now think there is only one way of looking at the world, instead of just using their eyes and ears and judging for themselves as opposed to listening to the force fed propaganda of the lunatic fringe.


TL:DR "I'm right about everything and anyone who disagrees with me is a leftie loony"


Ironic really....

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you must be a member of common purpose

Never heard of it.



Nutters imagine it's an elite conspiracy. Like university, solar energy and recycling.


The same blokes (it's only blokes) who believe that ISO, education and the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme are a Communist plot. And don't get them started on gold and or vaccinations.

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