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Ooh he's not used to not getting his own way, he's writing in ALL CAPS do he must be angry. This is an interesting example of checks and Balances


Edit: referring to his latest tweet after him losing the travel ban appeal.

Edited by Tarne
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For all the liberal whining about Trump, he's been in power less than a month and you've found his weakness - he is not used to checks and balances. Use that against him, rather than screaming "impeach, impeach" like retarded children.


As for nordstroms shares it's not hard to check, 52 week low of 35, max of 62. Current 45. Probably worth a punt actually and see where it ends up around Xmas

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rmanx' link to Politifact is actually quite interesting. Their conclusion:


Our ruling

On Facebook, Trump said, "Smart! 'Kuwait issues its own Trump-esque visa ban for five Muslim-majority countries.' "

That’s wrong -- news coverage suggests that Kuwait implemented a visa ban on a half-dozen predominantly Muslim nations in 2011, six years before Trump took office.

Meanwhile, any argument that Kuwait’s past actions indicate a like-minded approach between Trump and Kuwait sidesteps the reality that pursuing such a policy in the United States inevitably has a much bigger impact because the U.S., unlike Kuwait, allows a path to citizenship for legal immigrants. We rate the statement Mostly False.


...seems to question a matter of timing rather than fact. In other words, Kuwait did it first although for similar reasons. I am not sure what the second paragraph proves. If anything it says that there is more justification for the ban in the US because you could finish up with those aliens as citizens whereas that isn't the case in Kuwait. It doesn't appear to have been written with an even hand.

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...seems to question a matter of timing rather than fact. In other words, Kuwait did it first although for similar reasons. I am not sure what the second paragraph proves. If anything it says that there is more justification for the ban in the US because you could finish up with those aliens as citizens whereas that isn't the case in Kuwait. It doesn't appear to have been written with an even hand.

that was my understanding, beeb mentioned it before the election.....

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