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i found this quite an interesting take on the whole thing. and accidentally discovered that it was richard spencer who first coined the phrase alt-right. to capture a movement about white racial identity.

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Top tip for the media.


You cannot be trusted, so, just stop going to press gatherings and reporting what he says. Give us all a rest.


Same goes for when he appears in the UK and starts milking his Unprecedented state visit. Look Trump. It going to be you, or the other person. Lets face it, it's hardly an unknown fact the Queen will not be around for much longer, any one who got the job would be rushed into meeting the longest serving UK monarch, before it's too late.

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Yes. Very odd indeed, although if I were in Sweden I wouldn't be laughing too loudly. They have shocking problems as a result of their welcoming policy to immigrants over the years. If Europe is the coal mine Sweden is the canary.


Maybe they do have problems, but specifically claiming that something happened last night when it didn't is weird. People keep saying he isn't stupid but these sorts of outbursts don't exactly help.

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Can someone, anyone, just shoot the cnut?


I was going to say be careful Albert, the CIA will be after you.

They may yet be, to train you and provide you with the gun!

You could do worse than share a cell with David Attenborough.



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