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Watched the Netanyahu/Trump statement...


Trump really has no idea how to answer the big important questions...and then goes on to "big up" his "victory" with inaccurate numbers and claims.


Factcheck sites are rubbing their hands together now that Chump is in the spotlight.

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Yes. Very odd indeed, although if I were in Sweden I wouldn't be laughing too loudly. They have shocking problems as a result of their welcoming policy to immigrants over the years. If Europe is the coal mine Sweden is the canary.


Maybe they do have problems, but specifically claiming that something happened last night when it didn't is weird. People keep saying he isn't stupid but these sorts of outbursts don't exactly help.


he got the story from fox news, fake news again

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Can you imagine Pence, Tillerson et al getting together and saying "FFS. What's the SoaB said now??!!" thumbsup.gif


More likely they are the ones poking him, saying "Hey Donnie, have you heard about X? You should totally let the people know what you think about X".


Drumpf is a Trojan horse to get Pence/Bannon into the hot seat.

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