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Donald Trump


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I think you err a bit more to the "big money" side then. I would term that as international capital - those who control financial flows - and whilst there are overlaps, I see them as discrete. Traditional establishment - old money, nobility, politicians, judiciary, clergy, intelligentsia in general, established media etc.

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taking the fight to the cosy establishment while he's here.


Oh please...


He is the establishment and he is cosying up to the establishment.


To think otherwise is intentional blindness to the fact.



The guy was a judge on some reality TV show. He is not a member of the established order in Washington.


The establishment in my context is the constant which runs from president to president. The self elected administration, the civil service if you will, and their sycophants in the media who together represent a cosy club.

The very fact that Obama has set up office in Washington to act as unofficial commander-in-chief, directing his own militant wing of the democrat party Organising For Action tells you everything you need to know about how worried the club are that Trump is throwing spanners in their dream of turning the US into a socialist republic.


Of course Trump has contacts and backers in industry, you don't get to be a real estate billionaire in New York without getting into bed with Goldman Sachs and the crew, but if he is serious about this huge infrastructure investment across the whole country to create jobs he is going to need private capital to do it in partnership with. Large captains of industry will be all over him like a rash sensing huge profits.

Edited by Lxxx
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I wonder whether the root of Trump representing himself as anti-establishment is that he was never invited in or accepted and feels excluded. It’s a cliché but true - you can’t buy class. No matter how many golf tournaments you sponsor. The more you want it the more it probably shows.

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blame Trump for inflaming tensions!! w00t.gif


Because his comments (and subsequent right wing "told ya so") had absolutely had no affect on the events that followed...


I have a feeling that the right wing will be saying "told ya so" for a very long time indeed, but it won't give them any satisfaction under the circumstances.

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blame Trump for inflaming tensions!! w00t.gif


Because his comments (and subsequent right wing "told ya so") had absolutely had no affect on the events that followed...


I have a feeling that the right wing will be saying "told ya so" for a very long time indeed, but it won't give them any satisfaction under the circumstances.



The right wing have been poking a wasps nest...and when the wasps come out and sting the right wing...they can stand there and tell themselves "I told myself!!!"

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