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It was the democrats that started the slave trade, but don't say it too loudly.


They'll probably call it 'Persuasive migration.'

You know the democrats and republicans basically switched philosophy some time ago?

Wouldn't surprise me, most politicians flip flop many times over a long enough period.

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It was the democrats that started the slave trade, but don't say it too loudly.


They'll probably call it 'Persuasive migration.'

You know the democrats and republicans basically switched philosophy some time ago?

Well Slavery in the states pre-dates political parties. Democrats were the party of the South and Republicans the North, hence they took different positions on slavery. That lingered in the South a long time - George Wallace the Governor of Alabama in the 60's was a Democrat who opposed civil rights.


But really the swapping of positions boiled down to money, and size of the government, and changing demographics rather than civil rights or ideology.


Basically the Republicans have always been the party of the monied Northern elite - banks, financiers etc. In the 1800's it suited those people to have big government and plenty of investment in railroads and the infrastructure of western expansion. By the 1930's that was done and they sought to protect what they owned by reducing taxes and having a smaller government.


Meanwhile a third constituency opened in the West - small holder farmers, factory workers in new cities like Detroit and Chicago who were often newly arrived from Europe. Over time the Democrats and Republicans competed for this group, but eventually the Democrats came to take a Big Government position especially with Roseveldt's New Deal and the Republicans gradually took the default position opposing them.

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the libtards like rtard cant see it was their failed polices that has caused this

Rather like the outrageously disruptive and aggressive behavior of the unions during the late 1970s ushered in 11 years of Mrs. Thatcher. That's the kind of thing that happens when some people push their luck too far.

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Some Trump-haters are now calling on the Devil for help!




Anyone joining in on this must want their head examined. They claim it's a straightforward binding spell with no adverse consequences, but clearly they're going further than that and wishing him harm. They'd better pray it doesn't all bounce back on them.

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So you're focussing on Sweden, and not talking about the fact he is basically blocking any news outlet he doesn't like from White House briefings (however Briebart - remember who is linked to that....are still involved).


Now what was that word that Hitler used for doing that....

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