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So you're focussing on Sweden, and not talking about the fact he is basically blocking any news outlet he doesn't like from White House briefings (however Briebart - remember who is linked to that....are still involved).


Now what was that word that Hitler used for doing that....

You are hilarious bringing Hitler into this. There is absolutely no parallel. And why should we not focus on Sweden? The canary in the European coal mine.

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So you're focussing on Sweden, and not talking about the fact he is basically blocking any news outlet he doesn't like from White House briefings (however Briebart - remember who is linked to that....are still involved).


Now what was that word that Hitler used for doing that....

You are hilarious bringing Hitler into this. There is absolutely no parallel. And why should we not focus on Sweden? The canary in the European coal mine.




Lügenpresse - History is repeating itself. The parallel is there, you just choose to ignore it, because it doesn't fit your narrative.
And as usual you're apologist stance when it comes to the right wing (or alt-right) is as predictable as ever.
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In relevance to Trump's comments on it or just in general?


Do I need to comment on the fact that the only reason Trump made a comment about a terror attack that never happened, is because he "watched" a report on Fox "News"?


That Fox used a fake "expert" to further push a fake story?


I can't comment on Sweden, having never been there or really read up about it. But I can comment on Trump getting his intelligence briefs from "iffy" news reporting and opinion pieces

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No comment on Sweden then?


"Malmo, along with other urban centres in Sweden, has one of the highest levels of reported rapes in proportion to population in the EU, mainly due to the strictness of Swedish laws and how rape is recorded in the country.

The rate of reported rapes in Malmo has not dramatically risen in recent years and has in fact declined from its peak in 2010, before the recent large increases in refugees.

It is not possible to connect crimes to the ethnicity of the perpetrators as such data is not published." - BBC



"It is true that Sweden has the highest reported rate of rape.


The key word is "reported".


Sweden reports more rapes than other countries (for good reasonms) - that is very different from claiming it has more rapes than other countries.


In 2012, Sweden had 66 cases of reported rapes per 100,000 population, according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention(Brå).[234] This was unequivocally the biggest number reported to the UNODC in 2012


Rape is an unusual crime in that it is only reported by the victim and sadly often they will not report it.


In too many countries it is a mark of shame; the attitude is "she was asking for it".


So victims do not report, or police do not record.


There are three factors:

1) Swedish people (women primarily but not exclusive) are more willing to report rape. That is a factor of more equality, and that sex is not seen as shameful.


there is a strong correlation between higher levels of gender equality and disclosure of sexual violence.[251] This, and a greater willingness among Swedish women to report rape in relationships,[252] may also explain the relatively high rates of reported rape in Sweden

2) Swedish police take it more seriously. In many countries the police will not progress an investigation.

"It was her own fault", "that isn't really rape"


3) Swedish law is very strict. "rape" includes a range of acts that would not be considered rape in other countries.

Their definition of "consent" is strict.

An example of this is the Julian Assange case; in Sweden he was charged with sexual assault for things that many of his supporters claim were completely legal & legitimate. But not they were not in Sweden.


The Swedish police record each instance of sexual violence in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases compared to other countries.[236][239][243] Sweden also has a comparatively wide definition of rape.[236][237][238] This means that more sexual crimes are registered as rape than in most other countries.[237] For example, in 2005 Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation and made the legal definition of rape much wider,[236][244][245][246] which led to a marked increase in reports.[247][248]

I do not know if anyone has tried to "normalise" statistics to calibrate thoe effects.


But if so, I'd be willing to bet that many of those countries under-report compared to Sweden and that the actial rate would be vastly higher in other countries (eg Jamaica, Bolivia)


Wikipedia has a long discussion of rape statistics variation by country:

Rape statistics << Quotes from this


And Sweden in particular

Rape in Sweden" - Quora

In short, the title of "rape capital of Europe" is just another spurious false hood used by the rabble right to demonise a certain demographic.

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No comment on Sweden then?

In short, the title of "rape capital of Europe" is just another spurious false hood used by the rabble right to demonise a certain demographic.


Not just that but the situation in general. Ignoring the unsustainable levels of influx of alien cultures to the country and the statement of a serving policeman just to concentrate on laughing at Trump and wondering what he's smoking. It's as though you have had that part of your consciousness that can see perilous reality deactivated. There is an epidemic of it throughout European elites.

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Statement of one policeman.


That's like me finding a active member of UKIP (which is basically the Tory party in all but name), letting him rant on about immigrants for five minutes and stating that "that's proof right there".


I have just shown using reasoned and balance quotes why the situation in Sweden is being exaggerated and twisted to suit a certain narrative.


You seem to think my balance approach to this "situation" is me ignoring something, where as I see it as you focusing on one small element and missing the larger events happening around you.


For example, Trump is so focused on so called "Islamic Terrorism", he has failed to mention the several white Americans who have been caught attempting to carry out multiple domestic terrorist attacks on US soil against US citizens.


This forum is so focused on the fake Sweden story that no-one has mentioned the terrorist bombing in Londonderry.

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OK. Sweden can rest easy. The establishment and rmanx say it's all rubbish made up by the fascist right.


reductio ad absurdum.


Very lazy.


What's lazy? That's what you're saying and you aren't going to change your mind anytime soon. There just isn't a problem. Carry on. Bring in a few more hundreds of thousands. Bask in the glory of diversity.

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