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Wait and see. Change is exciting isn't it? Quite obvious that the old order had run out of road and too many people had become sick to the back teeth. The ones who are crying foul are those who had become comfortable whether financially or politically or both. I include myself in the former group, but I know an awful lot of people who do not and a big shake up was needed.

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Wait and see.


Biggest cop out answer ever...


Not at all. I don't have a crystal ball. The cop out answer is the one promoted by you and your colleagues that it's all going to be terrible. You sought enlightenment but I don't have a crystal ball. Neither do you, incidentally, despite the fact that you are forever trying to talk the situation down which risks becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. I do have an opinion which is that the EU is finished whatever we do and it is better to be away from the final collapse than in the misdst of it, just as it is better not to be involved in the disastrous euro that we were told was going to be nirvana by those who are supposed to know. Anyone with an ounce of knowledge could tell you it would end in tears. Free from the strictures of the EU I do believe that the UK economy will be enhanced in the long term. A new, looser European trading arrangement may yet emerge without pretensions to statehood. If someone offered me a warrant for either a million euros or a million pounds redeemable in twenty years I know which I would take. What about you?


As for Trump, again, we do not know. There are some very different ideas involved for a geoplitical settlement and the current situation is hardly ideal. Give it a chance.

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Brexit hasn't yet happened so what its outcome will be is anyone's guess.

My point is that the Prime Minister can't even say what Brexit will be and she's running the country.

Of course she can't, because it would be ridiculous to try. There is a negotiation to be undertaken. It doesn't follow that, as is repeated ad nauseam and seemingly never challenged by the media, those preparing the negotiation haven't got a clue. No doubt they have a whole range of options and fallback positions.


I would have made it absolutely straightforward. After the referendum I'd have announced that we were giving notice to leave and that any country that wished to trade freely with the UK could do so provided they reciprocated without barriers. If they wished for a different arrangement then that could be subject to negotiation.

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