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A frequently cited source when comparing Swedish rape statistics internationally is the regularly published report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). In 2012, according to the report by UNODC, Sweden was quoted as having 66.5 cases of reported rapes per 100,000 population.


The UNODC itself discourages any cross-national comparisons based on their reports, because of the differences that exist between legal definitions, methods of offense counting and crime reporting.


A crime survey funded by the UN and published in The Lancet Global Health concluded that almost a quarter of all men admit to rape in parts of Asia.[40][41] Some of the countries with the highest percentage of men admitting rape in that study, China and Bangladesh for instance, are also not listed or have relatively low numbers of reported rape in the UNODC report.


Facts are so scary aren't they...

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OK. Sweden can rest easy. The establishment and rmanx say it's all rubbish made up by the fascist right.


reductio ad absurdum.


Very lazy.


What's lazy? That's what you're saying and you aren't going to change your mind anytime soon. There just isn't a problem. Carry on. Bring in a few more hundreds of thousands. Bask in the glory of diversity.



You are putting words into my mouth, in an effort to undermine my posts. Expect that from the resident troll but not from you (well I kind of do expect it from you, but at least you try a little harder).


I am not saying that rape does not exist in Sweden. I am saying that there is no evidence to support the claims that Sweden is the rape capital of Europe or that there is any evidence linking this fake "title" and immigration.

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I wasn't really majoring on the rape argument. More the wider synopsis of Sweden presiding over its own destruction while laughing at Trump's gaffe, which is infinitely more serious. Fiddling while Rome burns indeed. Civilisations are destroyed when their elite cannot see beyond their own complacency.

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But you are avoiding the point of the thread...Donald Trump.

No, not really. It was Trump that made the comment about Sweden. They are laughing their socks off about it but don't realise their feet are on fire.



Sigh, he made a spurious comment based off his idiot understanding of an idiot report on Fox "News". People like yourself and the troll immediately found the first confirmation bias post relating to the comment you could find, and now you're patting yourselves and Trump on the back.


Regardless of the simple fact that you and he are wrong, and have been shown to be wrong.


The only thing on fire here is yours and Trump's pants.

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"The most recent Eurostat data for the 28 EU countries also puts Sweden in the top spot."


But the agency warns that comparisons between different countries should be avoided because of differences between their legal and criminal justice systems, recording practices, reporting rates, efficiencies of criminal justice organisations and types of offences included in the categories.


It helps if you can read in the first place, and second if you quote within context.

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