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Erm ... data ... helpful to examine issues.


Here's the number of immigrants:





Here are crime rates: there isn't a sudden huge increase in crime.




Vox Link


You could also try listening to More or Less which shows the claims are inaccurate


Or listen to the Today Programme today at 6:55 this morning - 55 minutes (and 17 seconds) into this episode on Iplayer - where a professor of criminology discusses the socio-economic basis of crime in Sweden and how researchers have examined the role of immigrant status on crime and find it of far lesser importance than the simple things like poverty, unemployment etc - ie take a Swede who's poor, uneducated and unemployed and they are only a little less likely to commit a crime than an immigrant in a similar condition. Take an immigrant who is educated, employed and affluent - believe it or not it happens - and they'll be not be much more likely to commit a crime than a similar local.


You can read about the research here;



We examine the gap in registered crime between the children of immigrants and the children of native Swedes. We follow all individuals who completed compulsory schooling during the period 1990–93 in the Stockholm Metropolitan area (N = 63,462) up to their thirties and analyse how family of origin and neighbourhood segregation during adolescence, subsequent to arriving in Sweden, influence the gap in recorded crimes. For males, we are able to explain between half and three-quarters of the gap in crime by reference to parental socio-economic resources and neighbourhood segregation. For females, we can explain even more, sometimes the entire gap. In addition, we tentatively examine the role of co-nationality or culture by comparing the crime rates of randomly chosen pairs of individuals originating from the same country. We find only a small correlation in the crime of individuals who share the same origin, indicating that culture is unlikely to be a strong cause of crime among immigrants.



Woolley, do you really see this as the destruction of Swedish culture? Do you really think the UK's culture is under-threat? Do you really look at places like Bradford, Leicester and Brixton and despair for the UK? What do you think will happen in these places - and Stokholm - over the next say 50 years?

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@ China: Woolley, do you really see this as the destruction of Swedish culture?


Yes. It's a long game but ultimately, certainly I do. And so do many Swedes. Particularly as their leaders are in total denial that they have a problem. What they have done is tantamount to criminal negligence of their responsibilities to future generations of their own people. Their country has a small population and they have flooded it with masses of immigrants with an alien culture.They are compounding their dereliction of duty by demonising anyone who speaks out about misdeeds like the policeman in the Sunday Times article. No doubt they comfort themselves by commissioning research such as that which you have quoted. It wouldn't make me feel better however, if my wife or daughter had just been assaulted or raped by an Afghan asylum seeker, I can assure you.


What will happen in the next 50 to 100 years, you ask. Well what is highly unlikely is that the occupants of these areas will become assimilated into mainstream society. Is this the scenario you are assuming? I believe it is beyond critical mass for that. Succeeding generations are becoming more susceptible to extremism, not less. They will continue to be increasingly segregated and inward looking as will the surrounding indigenous populations. They lead parallel lives. It's human nature to flock with your own kind. There was a report about community relations in Oldham in the Sunday Times this week. When asked where white and Asian people went to meet each other, the answer was "In the ambulance after the fight".


"White flight" will continue to affect ever larger areas surrounding cities and no go areas controlled by ethnic groups flying their own flags (they already do incidentally and, naturally, a blind eye is turned) will grow in the suburbs. Many of these areas have residents who never travel outside of them, only speak their own language and have no knowledge of wider British/European society. As time goes by and the third, fourth, fifth etc. generation ethnic minorities grow into larger percentages of the national population and become majorities in their districts they will become yet more assertive and demanding of laws that mirror their own customs and practices. Their own political representatives will exert pressure for change to wider societal values. It's democracy after all and politically correct forces will appease the demand.


It is difficult to be precise about events and timelines but it is not hard to see the road to hell, paved with good intentions, stretching out into the future. I understand that we have many good, well-meaning people who do not believe it and will not accept it. It isn't nice to contemplate a future of strife for your children. I have no doubt that when really bad times arrive, someone will come forward with lots of statistics and reports explaining that things could have been so much worse had we not been so accommodating.


I know people who live by the affected areas and I know people who move in the circles of the elite. I also know which group is the more switched on about what is happening and where it's all heading. Remember the shock in the corridors of power the morning after the EU referendum? Well those same people are similarly wide of the mark when it comes to their take on community cohesion away form their ivory towers.

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bradford was ok back in the 80s and 90s when it was more a mix, children taught at english schools became more westernized, now its like little pakistan with faith schools and children unable to speak english, imported wifes and the larger family. its become more segregated and extreme.


it will never get better, with high unemployment and a benefits culture. no doubt the pc brigade will defend them, telling everyone how hard working these migrants are etc, but the truth is its now a ghetto

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Have to say, I've listened to quite a few of Trump's speeches and this , though it includes quite a lot which was totally incomprehensible to me - seeing the Republicans leaping up and applauding at wall building, protectionism and gutting health care provisions leaves me cold - is probably his best effort to date.

The problem is so much of it is mum and apple pie - though diced with a xenophobic flavouring highlighting the immigrant menace - who is going to disagree about honouring slain policeman and victims of crime.

I find his doom-mongering on the economy also rather misplaced - Obama presided over the recovery of the US economy deeply damaged after the financial crisis. Trump has inherited an economy purring along, with strong jobs growth etc. He's going to spend that dividend provided to him by Obama - and spend it on weapons, Oil-pipelines (built with protected American steel), protectionism and his wall.

They aren't exactly productive assets!
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there was no mention of the 9 young children that were also killed in the raid that ryan owens was a part of. in yemen, a place america is not at war with in an official or legal sense


No matter what puppet's on the throne the war machine will do what it always has done and do it poorly.

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