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I think it is a bit. Like I said earlier, she can speak English but perhaps isn't totally confident doing so at large public events. There are plenty of videos on Youtube, etc that show her speaking English. Like most foreign politicians she must have to rely on translators to a certain extent, nothing particularly unusual in that.


It'll be interesting when Trump actually masters the English language though, at the moment he continues to be a huge, huge fan, massive fan of the repetitive adjective.

Edited by mojomonkey
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I'm sure when the live broadcast went out, I thought I caught one of the press gang saying something like, "do you want a headscarf Mrs Merkel?" or something like that. Watched the same segment some time later but it had been given a voiceover by the beguiling Fiona Bruce.

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Remember the "promises" bingo I started way back in January?




Here is one of my favourites so far:


21. “I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off.” Trump will make time for golf but promises to “always play with leaders of countries and people that can help us.”




12th trip since taking office, 8th consecutive weekend trip to a Trump owned property...I am reasonably sure there is no conflict of interest in there at all...

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