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trump signs order undoing obama climate change policies....


Nothing wrong with that. The whole climate change debate needs to be re-examined so best wait until we arrive at an agreed consensus before signing far reaching policies into law.

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And has nothing to do with building more oil pipe lines, opening previously protected lands to industrial "rape", and allowing certain business sectors to increase profits by removing environmental protections...


Hey...isn't the head of the EPA the same guy who tried to sue it on behalf of petro-chemical companies and the coal industry?


Its almost as if this....planned...to benefit certain people...

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Remember the "promises" bingo I started way back in January?




Here is one of my favourites so far:


21. “I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off.” Trump will make time for golf but promises to “always play with leaders of countries and people that can help us.”




12th trip since taking office, 8th consecutive weekend trip to a Trump owned property...I am reasonably sure there is no conflict of interest in there at all...


Absolutely. His breaks won't cost the taxpayer a penny, unlike Obama who spent millions of other peoples money on his family vacations. However that's what socialists do don't they, they enjoy spending other peoples hard earned cash.

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trump signs order undoing obama climate change policies....


Nothing wrong with that. The whole climate change debate needs to be re-examined so best wait until we arrive at an agreed consensus before signing far reaching policies into law.


i agree, 1 mile of ice over parts of the british isles during the last iceage and not a car in sight......

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Absolutely. His breaks won't cost the taxpayer a penny, unlike Obama who spent millions of other peoples money on his family vacations. However that's what socialists do don't they, they enjoy spending other peoples hard earned cash.





"Donald Trump’s family’s trips have cost taxpayers nearly as much in a month as Barack Obama’s cost in an entire year.

The US President’s three visits to his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida since his presidential inauguration, combined with his sons’ business trips, reportedly cost $11.3m (£9.1m).

Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch estimated Mr Obama’s travel expenses totalled an average $12.1m in each of his eight years in the White House."


But sure...your version (or Alt-Facts as they are now called) sounds much nicer...

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Absolutely. His breaks won't cost the taxpayer a penny, unlike Obama who spent millions of other peoples money on his family vacations. However that's what socialists do don't they, they enjoy spending other peoples hard earned cash.





"Donald Trump’s family’s trips have cost taxpayers nearly as much in a month as Barack Obama’s cost in an entire year.

The US President’s three visits to his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida since his presidential inauguration, combined with his sons’ business trips, reportedly cost $11.3m (£9.1m).

Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch estimated Mr Obama’s travel expenses totalled an average $12.1m in each of his eight years in the White House."


But sure...your version (or Alt-Facts as they are now called) sounds much nicer...



An article from the Washington Post about a president they openly dislike and you're citing that as factual evidence. You'll note at the bottom of the article they're awaiting comment from the President's office on the story so best to wait for both sides of an argument before calling it.

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SIgh, I could link the 20 other articles that have the exact same information but that wouldn't matter would it?


What about the amount of additional money its costing to keep his wife (you know the immigrant many years his junior) living at a separate location?


And I see you are skating the whole issue of his daughter (an unelected official and not a government employee) getting an office in the White House against all ethics advice...

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SIgh, I could link the 20 other articles that have the exact same information but that wouldn't matter would it?


What about the amount of additional money its costing to keep his wife (you know the immigrant many years his junior) living at a separate location?


And I see you are skating the whole issue of his daughter (an unelected official and not a government employee) getting an office in the White House against all ethics advice...


You would like to think people in the US have bigger issues to contend with than whether the presidents daughter is using a desk in a wing of the white house to plug her laptop into.

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SIgh, I could link the 20 other articles that have the exact same information but that wouldn't matter would it?


What about the amount of additional money its costing to keep his wife (you know the immigrant many years his junior) living at a separate location?


And I see you are skating the whole issue of his daughter (an unelected official and not a government employee) getting an office in the White House against all ethics advice...


You would like to think people in the US have bigger issues to contend with than whether the presidents daughter is using a desk in a wing of the white house to plug her laptop into.



They should totally ignore this...no violation of ethics or anything like that...don't pay attention to what your President is doing...


Jesus, is your jaw getting saw from gobbling that Trump D so hard?

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SIgh, I could link the 20 other articles that have the exact same information but that wouldn't matter would it?


What about the amount of additional money its costing to keep his wife (you know the immigrant many years his junior) living at a separate location?


And I see you are skating the whole issue of his daughter (an unelected official and not a government employee) getting an office in the White House against all ethics advice...


You would like to think people in the US have bigger issues to contend with than whether the presidents daughter is using a desk in a wing of the white house to plug her laptop into.



They should totally ignore this...no violation of ethics or anything like that...don't pay attention to what your President is doing...


Jesus, is your jaw getting saw from gobbling that Trump D so hard?



I'm not actually a Trump fan, he's a puppet President same as all the rest. I just enjoy taking a few minutes out of my day here and there to watch the meltdown from the lefties and destroy the internet arguments they put up daily to somehow make themselves feel better.

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