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When it comes to vaccines there basically is evidence that the side effects are orders of magnitudes less serious than the illness itself (and the side-effects the illness can also produce) and people who don't understand evidence. Kennedy Jr has made it clear he doesn't understand evidence.

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When it comes to vaccines there basically is evidence that the side effects are orders of magnitudes less serious than the illness itself (and the side-effects the illness can also produce) and people who don't understand evidence. Kennedy Jr has made it clear he doesn't understand evidence.


As I said, all he has asked is are so many vaccines necessary when the US leads the world in number of vaccines in the vaccine schedule and they also have the largest pharmaceutical lobby. It's quite reasonable to ask for an independent investigation in light of the grip that this industry has on other areas of US spending. He's not anti-vaccine he's just questioning corporate greed.

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trump signs order undoing obama climate change policies....


Nothing wrong with that. The whole climate change debate needs to be re-examined so best wait until we arrive at an agreed consensus before signing far reaching policies into law.


i agree, 1 mile of ice over parts of the british isles during the last iceage and not a car in sight......


We should probably take this to the Global Warming Thread, but you really do need to learn about climate forcings.


We understand the forcings that caused the Ice Ages - they are very different from what is happening nowadays.


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When it comes to vaccines there basically is evidence that the side effects are orders of magnitudes less serious than the illness itself (and the side-effects the illness can also produce) and people who don't understand evidence. Kennedy Jr has made it clear he doesn't understand evidence.


As I said, all he has asked is are so many vaccines necessary when the US leads the world in number of vaccines in the vaccine schedule and they also have the largest pharmaceutical lobby. It's quite reasonable to ask for an independent investigation in light of the grip that this industry has on other areas of US spending. He's not anti-vaccine he's just questioning corporate greed.


If it is possible Orac is even more verbose than I am ... but he is very very good at examining evidence. Kennedy Jr is quite definitely anti-vaccination - just look at his words and actions.



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He's also appointed Robert F Kennedy Jnr to look into vaccine safety as well which sent said companies into another panic and with the cuts outlined above he's had another swipe at them for trying to resist his changes.




That's because Trump is one of those morons that believes vaccines can turn you Autistic...


The last time something big like that happened (MMR jab) public confidence was lost in the jab, despite it being utter bollocks and universally disproven (but that hasn't stopped idiot celebs believing it).



So you're a scientist as well. Amazing.


Does that make you an idiot celeb? biggrin.png

Edited by Bobbie Bobster
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trump signs order undoing obama climate change policies....


Nothing wrong with that. The whole climate change debate needs to be re-examined so best wait until we arrive at an agreed consensus before signing far reaching policies into law.


i agree, 1 mile of ice over parts of the british isles during the last iceage and not a car in sight......


We should probably take this to the Global Warming Thread, but you really do need to learn about climate forcings.


We understand the forcings that caused the Ice Ages - they are very different from what is happening nowadays.







trump signs order undoing obama climate change policies....


Nothing wrong with that. The whole climate change debate needs to be re-examined so best wait until we arrive at an agreed consensus before signing far reaching policies into law.


i agree, 1 mile of ice over parts of the british isles during the last iceage and not a car in sight......


We should probably take this to the Global Warming Thread, but you really do need to learn about climate forcings.


We understand the forcings that caused the Ice Ages - they are very different from what is happening nowadays.




until science looks at all the possibility its fake news, one of the uk's top professors had his funding removed after been told that unless his finding showed it was man as the outcome no funding would be paid =tax


sadly this is the way the whole "global warming" terrorist's business work......



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When it comes to vaccines there basically is evidence that the side effects are orders of magnitudes less serious than the illness itself (and the side-effects the illness can also produce) and people who don't understand evidence. Kennedy Jr has made it clear he doesn't understand evidence.


As I said, all he has asked is are so many vaccines necessary when the US leads the world in number of vaccines in the vaccine schedule and they also have the largest pharmaceutical lobby. It's quite reasonable to ask for an independent investigation in light of the grip that this industry has on other areas of US spending. He's not anti-vaccine he's just questioning corporate greed.


If it is possible Orac is even more verbose than I am ... but he is very very good at examining evidence. Kennedy Jr is quite definitely anti-vaccination - just look at his words and actions.





We're going off on a tangent now. He's taking aim at the pharmaceutical industry and it's undue influence and there should be nothing wrong with that.

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Lets face it, all of Drumpfs anti-science cuts are at the behest of big-oil and big-coal.


I wonder if Drumpf has any connections to the companies involved in the Keystone XL pipe line he is forcing through with Executive Decisions...


And as I keep saying, I wonder if there is anything to the fact that the head of the EPA tried to sue it and is a massive lobbyist for the oil/coal industries...

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Michael Flynn has come out and stated that he will give evidence if he is granted immunity from prosecution. The man who until recently was Trump's national security adviser presumably knows he has done something for which he would otherwise be prosecuted.


If Congress grants this and takes his testimony, I think we may be moving into an early end-game for Trump. That would surely be a sign that even Republicans are despairing of him.

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Michael Flynn has come out and stated that he will give evidence if he is granted immunity from prosecution. The man who until recently was Trump's national security adviser presumably knows he has done something for which he would otherwise be prosecuted.


If Congress grants this and takes his testimony, I think we may be moving into an early end-game for Trump. That would surely be a sign that even Republicans are despairing of him.


Is this the same Flynn who said (last year on a recorded broadcast) something like "if you ask for immunity, you've clearly done something wrong"...







Edited by RIchard Britten
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Michael Flynn has come out and stated that he will give evidence if he is granted immunity from prosecution. The man who until recently was Trump's national security adviser presumably knows he has done something for which he would otherwise be prosecuted.


If Congress grants this and takes his testimony, I think we may be moving into an early end-game for Trump. That would surely be a sign that even Republicans are despairing of him.


It's very clear that behind the scenes the republican party would like him to go as he's causing more damage than good.


I doubt he'll last the year without the start of serious legal / impeachment issues, my guess all along is that he'll be gone by the end of 2018.

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The house of cards (see what I did there...amazing show) keeps on tumbling...


"Three former Trump aides who are at the center of the federal investigation into Russia's interference in the US elections have already come forward and said they would testify freely -- without the promise of immunity. Former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, former adviser Roger Stone and former foreign policy adviser Carter Page all said, via their lawyers, last week that they were ready to come before House and Senate investigators."


But then this is all a double edged sword, if Trump is out, Pence is in.

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