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As I have posted previously Russia has invested $squillions in Assad and are basically now stuck with him. So the Russian effort is all about gaining ground for Assad.


The US, on the other hand, are all about destroying ISIS. So they announce that getting rid of Assad is not an objective.


Cue yet another WMD attack against the "rebels" because Assad now knows he has carte blanche. And what better way to demoralise your enemy than to murder their women and children in a most horrific way and then strike the medical facilities that the survivors are taken to.


It would appear that the regime got it all exacrly right.

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It seems the world is assuming that Assad has tight, overall control over his military. Plenty of rogue elements in his tribe. It would be a poor show if he had to admit that this attack was carried out without his sanction. It might indicate he was losing his grip.


Has anyone blamed the Israelis yet..?

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It's not against his interests, it's just this time he got caught red handed. He's been suspected of doing it after Gouta for the past few years. His generals have almost carte blanche to do what they want. If Assad fell, it'd be a genocidal General that took over.

it's not against his interests? are you sure you are thinking straight? Also you keep mentioning ghouta- it was certainly reported as assad at the time and if you say it enough times maybe it will become so. But you may find that the eventual investigation pointed more to the rebels than assad. You need to stop watching so many hollywood blockbusters fella. You think he would sign his own death warrant because he is bad and evil and a tyrant?.
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It's not against his interests, it's just this time he got caught red handed. He's been suspected of doing it after Gouta for the past few years. His generals have almost carte blanche to do what they want. If Assad fell, it'd be a genocidal General that took over.


it's not against his interests? are you sure you are thinking straight? Also you keep mentioning ghouta- it was certainly reported as assad at the time and if you say it enough times maybe it will become so. But you may find that the eventual investigation pointed more to the rebels than assad. You need to stop watching so many hollywood blockbusters fella. You think he would sign his own death warrant because he is bad and evil and a tyrant?.

He has nowhere else to go. Plus facing a war-crimes tribunal for which even the Russians would have to hand him over if he sought asylum.


It's basically shit or bust for Assad.


But then Idi Amin ended up with a very nice lifestyle in Saudi. Funny old world...

Edited by P.K.
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He's the easiest target.


Of course, if he goes the whole farrago will almost certainly sink into a well of despair with murderous factions trying to take advantage of the resultant power vacuum but hell, didn't you know? This is the "Arab Spring" FFS...

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Assad thought he had impunity. Obama stood against everything Assad was doing but did basically nothing when he gassed 1000 civilians.


Then Trump comes along saying he is all for joining in with Russia, doesn't want to be the World's policeman etc etc.


I don't find it inconceivable Assad thought he could get away with a bit of sarin mixed in with a lot of deniability, but miscalculated the Don's reaction to watching asphyxiating children.


Everyone one seems to think this is almost inconceivable compared to the manoeverings of the Illuminati/military industrial complex.


We basically haven't a clue what happened, but I think it isn't nearly as clear cut as people are making out. Assad miscalculating Trump's reaction based on thinking he wasn't interested seems a perfectly possible explanation.


I'm not saying for certain this is what happened but it is interesting seeing how many people are saying it is inconceivable Assad would do this. I disagree, on his past record it doesn't seem that outlandish to me.

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