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Donald Trump


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So lets catch up on Trump's promises now we are over 100 days into the "dark times":

Defeat IS in 30 days because he has plans so smart the Generals would be impressed: Um not even close...

Produce his tax returns: Not even close...

Build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it: Whoops that one has fallen on its arse as well...

Repeal ObamaCare and replace it with a better scheme: AHCA died on its arse after the Republicans failed to get behind it.

Play golf only with world leaders: Like those 15 trips to play golf (most of which at his resorts)....whoopsie

Stay out of the Syria War: Um....

Get on better with Putin: Um....

Serve a Big Mac to the Chinese President: Nope.

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I'd say it is pointless to judge any president or leader on 100 days. Judge them on their full term and their legacy, some decisions take years to have a tangible impact.


For me, trump is not really different to other leaders in respect of their impact in 100 days. All leaders promise the earth before they are elected but once in power the reality of getting ideas past others and the day to day complexities of politics hits.


I wouldn't have voted for trump, nor would i have wanted to voted for clinton, but it's not my country so my opinion is somewhat irrelevant. Let him get on with it, whatever it is.

Edited by mojomonkey
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1 minute ago, mojomonkey said:


Find me a politician seeking election that doesn't.

But as the right were fond of stating "he isn't a politician".

He said the US was going to start winning again, winning so much that they will get bored of winning.  I guess they will get bored of waiting to win again more likely.

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On ‎29‎/‎04‎/‎2017 at 2:19 PM, the stinking enigma said:

Yeah but no but yeah but he disrespected youuuu



From my observations of Ch, er Trump, being the warmongering gun totin' redneck he appears to be. It is this kind of caricature that would upset/anger him most.

I mean he really is such a sweetheart isn't he. This could be the 'Straw that caresses the Camels back' enough to tell him he is neither required or indeed wanted as Americas President.

He lacks culture, intelligence, sophistication and, well come on...would you have him round for dinner?! ('specially if your Daughters were 16 years old and good lookin!!)


Edited by Sentience
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8 hours ago, woolley said:

Despite all of the hyperbole, nothing to get so animated about. The world is still here despite the predictions of the screaming liberals. Trump has been counterbalanced by the establishment.


"Screaming liberals" you mean like the hordes of right wing religious nuts who declared that Obama was the Anti-Christ and that we were living in the end of days?

Or the right wing nutjobs who were convinced that Obama "wuz gunna take der gunz!!!!"

Or the right wing nutjobs who were convinced they were going to rounded up and force in to FEMA death camps?

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42 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

"Screaming liberals" you mean like the hordes of right wing religious nuts who declared that Obama was the Anti-Christ and that we were living in the end of days?

Or the right wing nutjobs who were convinced that Obama "wuz gunna take der gunz!!!!"

Or the right wing nutjobs who were convinced they were going to rounded up and force in to FEMA death camps?


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