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6 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

"Screaming liberals" you mean like the hordes of right wing religious nuts who declared that Obama was the Anti-Christ and that we were living in the end of days?

Or the right wing nutjobs who were convinced that Obama "wuz gunna take der gunz!!!!"

Or the right wing nutjobs who were convinced they were going to rounded up and force in to FEMA death camps?

That's exactly what they're like. But these are meant to be educated liberals, as opposed to rednecks - but they're acting just like rednecks. 

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Have I misunderstood Trump's stated reason for sacking the FBI Boss? Basically, that he treated Hilary Clinton unfairly in the release of information from her emails. Information that Trump made great capital out of. 

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I think Trump is about 50 - 60 % fucked now.  If and when the Republican majority in Congress changes, he'll be 100% fucked.

His reasons for sacking Comey are utterly implausible. He actually praised Comey's bravery and integrity when Comey publicly re-opened his investigation into HC's email server. 

Who's Trump been talking to the day after? Oh, Sergey Lavrov. What a surprise. 

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Please note Comey wasn't a good guy. Don't just change your tune on him just because Trump is getting rid of him, he's been fucking up for a while. A few of you guys called this back in November (some choice posts found), and Pongo called it back in February when Apple and Google were against spying. 


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Nope, Tarne, I am not saying that. I thought his very public re-opening of the HC email server enquiry was utterly appalling. The point is that Trump is on record as being delighted about that. The other point is that he is sacking the guy who is investigating the Russian connection to Trump's campaign for an utterly implausible reason.

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I don't really know who I was directing the above at, it was more of a general "Look, Comey was a bit of a prick anyway, if it was Hilary who had been elected getting rid of him there would be the exact same issue", even though the guy had to go.  

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