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Donald Trump


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I heard on the Radio on the way Home from my New Job that Trump just Fired FBI Director Comey.

And it comes right when the FBI was looking into the Improprieties of the Russian Influence into the last American Election.

Well - at least he has Bigger Balls to do what John & Robert Kennedy wanted to do with J. Edgar Hoover in the early 1960s.

But if it is discovered that Trump did that in order to stop a Lawful FBI Investigation into Election Improprieties, then he could definitely be heading towards Impeachment.




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Watched the White House Press Briefing (on FB Live) last night. 

Spicer was off playing Navy (he is a reservist), so up steps his deputy, Sarah Huckabee Sanders...

"Huckabee" you say?  Yup, the daughter of the failed Republican Presidential runner Mike Huckabee (author of God, Guns and Gravy).

She proceeded to dodge every question about the situation with "I'm not getting into the specifics on that" and "I was not in that conversation".

Basically she parroted the same empty tripe that Spicer did, didn't actually answer a single question and used the time at the podium to give a birthday shout out...

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The Republicans did that to Obama ALL the time... 

And before that the Democrats did that to Bush ALL the time...

And before that the Republicans did the same thing to Clinton ALL the time... 

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