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NASA controversies


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Guitars on the ISS - can't you see sheeple, that is clearly proof of the conspiracy ... erm ... I wonder what Gerry thinks about the Lego, Christmas decorations and electric organ.


And yes, evidence of pre-planning of Tim Peake's Brit Awards performance is clearly impossible - it has only been known that he would be on the ISS during this time since 2013, how could they possible have organized a pre-recorded message, it has to have been faked - did you see his tuxedo - it must have weighed grams, grams I tell you.


There are absolutely no reasonable explanations other than lies lies lies from NASA.


Also no space craft has ever been close to the ISS in orbit and so it is totally, like totally impossible to have pictures of it from outside.


Wake up people, these rocket launches by the Yanks, Ariane, Russians, Chinese, Indians, North Koreans, private companies and billionaires are just to trick you - they are all a part of the conspiracy - ALL of them are in on it. Think about that!


Yes - and all filmed in that studio near Ramsey.

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Wake up people, these rocket launches by the Yanks, Ariane, Russians, Chinese, Indians, North Koreans, private companies and billionaires are just to trick you - they are all a part of the conspiracy - ALL of them are in on it. Think about that!

Yes - and all filmed in that studio near Ramsey.



That's what those russian spacecraft were here for, to film some footage to fool people that man was in space. It also means that the IOM being the 4th most likely country to go into space was a loads of bollocks (!!!) and that our joyless leaders are also in on this global conspiracy! Who would have thought it?

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  • 4 months later...

I wonder what "certain people" think about this piece of journalism about the connection between the shuttle getting extra funding to allow the program to continue and President Carter negotiating nuclear weapons control with the Russians.


History is about checking the consistency of people's recollections and the documents and artefacts they produced.

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With so many controversies connected to NASA I am starting to think it is done on purpose, the SEX in the clouds of the latest earth composite, was it perhaps a graphics artist trying to blow the whistle. Seeing Timmy in his fancy dress costume for the BRITS, I thought to myself at the time, was this already there for special occasions or did he pack it fully knowing he was going to do this BRITS event in the future, you see it all seems rather scripted to me.


Take major tom with his guitar doing Space Oddity recently.


Look at it, you really think that was taken on this ISS construct 300 miles above earth travelling at 17,000 mph (these stats may be inaccurate as I am not bothering to look them up)


1: who took the footage of the first few seconds of the video? I don't see a long selfie stick...Another craft, rather professionally filming the ISS from above?


2: It looks pretty well done to me, my home videos never turn out this well, so I can only assume that either the ghost of Stanley helped out or, not only did they rocket him up a Guitar in this weight sensitive environment, but they sent up a cameraman, lighting crew and some rather hefty equipment to film to this very good quality


I am not being a wind up merchant, I am seriously suggesting that this was recorded in a studio, and pieced together with CGI and green screen technology, the sound quality, picture quality and lighting are beautifully done, no way is another astronaut filming this with a hand held camera, as we are led to believe.



Its as frustrating as the Flat Earth issue really, some truths mixed into a barrel of lies, making it almost impossible to tell which is which.



"major tom" you just reminded me of this cover that came out!


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At the end, the scientists now seem to be telling us the universe is a hologram, so surely the earth being a globe or flat is all a moot point? Yet they still argue about it and make fun of flat earthers. It boggles the mind.

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  • 1 year later...

Rather than ruin the Astronomy thread I thought I'd post this in here where it seems more at home, though we are talking SpaceX Conspiracies and not NASA ones.

My understanding is Finlo thinks this (click the Youtube below to auto start at what I hope is the right place) is a clear example of CGI and not a camera's aperture changing as a result of changes in light levels.  Finlo go and get a camera and take some pictures of a full moon - most of them will be whited out, but if you are patient the camera will adjust and show you the detail. 

My understanding of what is happening is that the aperture has opened fully in the low light levels when the earth isn't in view.  The camera is in low light mode and so when the earth appears it is initially totally overexposing the portion of the sensor it is lighting up.  As overall light levels increase the aperture reacts to this and stops down, reducing the amount of light entering the camera and bringing the over-exposed, white-out earth into clear view.

Finlo seems to see conspiracy, I see a camera behaving entirely normally on automatic mode.

As St Paul said: Nothing is unclean of itself, but to him that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean.


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44 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Rather than ruin the Astronomy thread I thought I'd post this in here where it seems more at home, though we are talking SpaceX Conspiracies and not NASA ones.

My understanding is Finlo thinks this (click the Youtube below to auto start at what I hope is the right place) is a clear example of CGI and not a camera's aperture changing as a result of changes in light levels.  Finlo go and get a camera and take some pictures of a full moon - most of them will be whited out, but if you are patient the camera will adjust and show you the detail. 

My understanding of what is happening is that the aperture has opened fully in the low light levels when the earth isn't in view.  The camera is in low light mode and so when the earth appears it is initially totally overexposing the portion of the sensor it is lighting up.  As overall light levels increase the aperture reacts to this and stops down, reducing the amount of light entering the camera and bringing the over-exposed, white-out earth into clear view.

Finlo seems to see conspiracy, I see a camera behaving entirely normally on automatic mode.

As St Paul said: Nothing is unclean of itself, but to him that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean.


I said nothing about the white out? Try 4.02.30 onwards.

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Are you talking about the heat haze type flickering on the line of clouds?

There is loads of outgassing going on - see a nice one at 4:01:39-40


We only see them when the light is right - but there's continually a varying atmosphere around the car as jets of gas escape from it.

Leaping from flickering to the whole thing is fake is quite a leap - may I ask do you acknowledge they launched a great big rocket?  That people observed it up in the upper atmosphere hours later during its final burn?

What is the purpose of the fakery?

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Video is nearly 8 years old, but if you accept that what is said is true, then shouldn't meeting off world 'people' be embraced with views on changing our aggressive nature, becoming less paranoid about security and attempting world peace? (I know........ little chance of it happening, but hey-ho, I've had my minutes chit-chat of appeasement)


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6 hours ago, Chinahand said:

As St Paul said: Nothing is unclean of itself, but to him that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean.


But be fair China...cut Ffinlo some slack...St. Paul’s rockets were bloody terrible. Only 2 made earth orbit and one of those exploded an hour later.

“Yea, the fiery column did ascend to the heavens from the desert but the Lord spake that it was blasphemy and did strike it down”

(Gospel of St. Sagan Chapter 22 verse 6).

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