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FAT people

Manx Fitness

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Before some gobby bastard replies and calls me a troll or says obvious troll is obvious, I'm serious. If a person is not able to keep their own body healthy and a good size, they are unfit to be in the government. If you can't even care for your own body and exercise self-restraint with a fork or spoon, how are you fit to legislate on affairs of state which affect the whole island? I'm not going to name names but surely you can see my point. People like that have no self-control or strength of character to be in government or in a position of any authority over others. People running for public office should be disqualified if they are obese. Since I'm talking about fat f^ckers, does anyone have figures on how much obese people cost the Manx NHS if you include secondary health problems caused by all that flab? Heart disease is just one. Sterility is another. I'd like to hear candidates set out rules on immigration to the island, make sure people coming here are healthy and not just coming here as health tourists. Fat people should be banned from entering the island unless they can prove they have a skill or knowledge which outweighs the cost to the NHS. I know I might sound like a bit of an asshole because some fat people are nice and can't help it but most of them can if they'd just put down the chocolate eclaires and do some press ups and this isn't even aimed at your average fat arse but but I've had enough of being pontificated to by fat politicians who think they know what's best for me and my family yet they're too weak to even stop themselves eating pies and being a fat arse. Get over yourselves. If you think you know how I should live, come to the gym and show me fifty press ups without losing your breath and then I'll listen to you. Until then, shove a pie in your hole because I'm not interested in your opinion unless you're a non-politician in which case you're ok to tell me your opinion because unlike fat politicians at least you're not trying to run my life or tell others what to do.


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The biggest burden on the health service is actually the really thin malnourished people who dress in day-glo Lycra and go out in winter on "power walks" and then suffer complete organ failure as a result.

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The issue isn't weight or people being fat. It's when they think they have a right to tell others how to live their lives. I've got nothing but respect for fat people who mind their own business and leave me to mind my own. I'm happy to help them lose a few pounds but I'm not going to be all in your face about it.

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I'd say it was a fair bet that a large percentage of our ministers gain a few stone living it up in the Manx Gas hospitality suite during the TT. The rest of the population might soon be going the same way soon though as we won't be able to afford to shit.

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The issue isn't weight or people being fat. It's when they think they have a right to tell others how to live their lives. I've got nothing but respect for fat people who mind their own business and leave me to mind my own. I'm happy to help them lose a few pounds but I'm not going to be all in your face about it.

Those fat people who mind their own business get elected. Then what?

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Not really Manx Fatness. If I did it it would be because I wanted to make something better for me because I know if I benefit everyone does. For example stopping this civil service pensions mess.


I wouldn't give a Fuck about you. You'd just be a beneficiary of what I did. And I could be fat. Or thin.

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