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FAT people

Manx Fitness

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Not really Manx Fatness. If I did it it would be because I wanted to make something better for me because I know if I benefit everyone does. For example stopping this civil service pensions mess.


I wouldn't give a Fuck about you. You'd just be a beneficiary of what I did. And I could be fat. Or thin.


All I can go on is what we've already had and that's a lot of very obese politiicans who have failed to do anything but serve their own interest. Maybe it's time to give someone who can control their own diet a chance to control the civil service?

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Is Manx Fitness a TJ clone? Subject matter is a bit different, but the behavioural markers are similar.

I think so and the rewards for all this healthy living and super fitness is that you get to sit in on a Saturday night typing shit into your PC. thumbsup.gif


Quick edit to admit that, yes, I am in on a Saturday night too, but I claim to be neither fit nor healthy smile.png

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Having said all that...isn't there a certain irksome irony about being lectured on our responsibilities to "self-help" and keep a watchful mind on our health by corpulent lard-bucket Howard Quayle? Health Minister...? That's a definite piss-take. Burger and kebab Minister perhaps.

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The human race has evolved past survival of the fittest. You crack on with fifty press-ups while a fatty builds an atom bomb or pushes the red button to kill 100,000. Perhaps the purpose of life is to enjoy it and not constantly worry about regulating your calories until you die.


Fitness is also not directly related to appearance or BMI, as I found out when having a go at the Parish Walk. Several sodding fatties, smoking fags and chatting away as they walked past me, were never to be caught.

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Obvious troll is obvious. These forums have gone seriously downhill this year, I think it's time to depart myself.


I'm inclined to agree. Fuck off then


When even the trolls are of such a low quality as Manx Fitness then you have to question what you're doing sharing a forum with them....

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