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The EU Campaign Has Started

Barrie Stevens

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The EU "In/Out" campaigns has started. I have today received my first pro-EU material through the door...a broadsheet format four pages...Having lived outside of the EU when on the Island it seems like I have read it all before..The UK could be like the Island and be "in" for trade and yet as we all know still be bound by EU terms and conditions.


I am not convinced by the six points put in the paper as above


Three million jobs depend on the EU


Shop prices are lower due to the EU...'scuse me I recall very low food prices when we traded with the world and other low prices owe more to China and very low ocean freight charges, huge ships, massive containerisation etc


Being in the EU costs us one pound per day but brings £3,000 a year to the family in terms of benefits...Don't believe that. Show me.


Safer due to EU arrest warrant. Don't believe it. Ask the people killed in Paris.


Two hundred thousand UK businesses trade with the EU. And?


The UK gets £66 million a day investment from the EU


Well that's it folks! Karen Brady is for staying in by the way.


Thing is the pro-campaign paper has been printed ahead of time as no one yet knows what deal we would get from the EU if we left. Now if it were like Protocol 3 then I would say that is OK...


The pro-EU paper today says it would not stop immigration from the EU but it would probably mean we would like the IOM be out of the Single Market and thus free to do as the Island does and have work permits and the chance to regulate accommodation and who lives in it and also to restrict Benefits.


I am still minded to vote to leave but am waiting to see what is placed before us.


PS General de Gaulle was right. Let the Anglo-Saxons in and they will try and change everything and ultimately run it.


I do not believe that we belong to an EU that has grown so much larger and unmanageable as it has...OK when it was six or so...Now the UK is getting like nineteenth century American and attracting all the poor from East and Central Europe...


I think we should take a risk and leave subject to terms and conditions. I think those terms would be OK as they do not want to see us as the first crack in the dam...



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I've seen the great things the EU has done for the poorer countries (Eastern Europe, Yugoslavia) and I've seen how Germany, France and Britain are full of dirty arabs now. So my vote would be to stay in the EU, but only if we can reform it to be better than what it is and to give britain a stronger ruling power. At the minute it's just the fricken Holy Roman Empire mk 4 with Germany in charge.

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Leaving the EU is the way forward. Rich countries subsidising poor countries and giving up all rights to any say in your own country.


Financially i'd expect it to be croadly cost neutral despite all the bullshit and spin. The people we export to we will continue to do so. The people we import from we will continue to do so.

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I've seen the great things the EU has done for the poorer countries (Eastern Europe, Yugoslavia) and I've seen how Germany, France and Britain are full of dirty arabs now. So my vote would be to stay in the EU, but only if we can reform it to be better than what it is and to give britain a stronger ruling power. At the minute it's just the fricken Holy Roman Empire mk 4 with Germany in charge.


As someone living in Germany I certainly don't notice it being full of arabs (dirty ones or otherwise), how often do you visit? Or by arabs, do you mean Turkish? If so, you certainly don't want to tell a Turk that he is an Arab!

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if we leave Europe do we get to rip up all the fatuous and ill-conceived rules and regulations that their technically clueless retards invented to keep themselves busy?


No. Sadly the EU will still call most of the shots on trade and associated issues...Look in Tynwald Library and see the box files full of "European rules" applying to the IOM which is not even a member...The EU has even dictated terms to Coco-Cola if it wants to trade....

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's all my fault - Blame Me!


Back in Ted Heath's day I was living in the UK. I'm sorry about that, but I needed a job.


Whilst living in the UK I voted to join the Common Market. It seemed like such a good idea. No nasty import duties made it much easier to do business. 'This has got to be a good idea' I thought.


Now I know it was along time ago, but I have no recollection of anyone suggesting that they were going to create a United States of Europe, and invite a lot of very dodgy countries to join.


Happily I am now back on the Island, but that does mean that I will probably not have the opportunity to undo the damage I did all those years ago.

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It's all my fault - Blame Me!


Back in Ted Heath's day I was living in the UK. I'm sorry about that, but I needed a job.


Whilst living in the UK I voted to join the Common Market. It seemed like such a good idea. No nasty import duties made it much easier to do business. 'This has got to be a good idea' I thought.


Now I know it was along time ago, but I have no recollection of anyone suggesting that they were going to create a United States of Europe, and invite a lot of very dodgy countries to join.


Happily I am now back on the Island, but that does mean that I will probably not have the opportunity to undo the damage I did all those years ago.

Actually you did not vote to join the Common Market...You voted in a referendum to stay in. The job was already done . The UK was already in and they fixed a referendum worded in such a way etc etc...

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