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The EU Campaign Has Started

Barrie Stevens

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Has anyone even thought about that here? No they haven't. etc

But what are you actually proposing? Nobody here is in a position to influence the outcome.

They are in a position to take advice, to seek representation, and to employ people and advisers to consider the potential outcome and the knock on tpfor the IOM. The sad fact is though that we have done fuck all and the assumption is that what is good for the UK is good for us and I don't agree with that assumption one bit.


And if they did that, how many on here would be moaning about the waste of money spent on Brexit consultants, when there was nothing that could be done to influence the outcome. By all means we should seek advice should the UK vote to leave, but until the result is known, I think we should just sit tight and keep an eye on BBC news.

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Boris has announced he will campaign to leave, a direct challenge to Dave.


Imagine this scenario -


Britain votes to narrowly stay. A majority of Tory members though vote to leave. Because he fought the good fight against Europe they vote for Boris to replace Cameron.


What happens at the next election? Do the Tories stand on a Euro exit manifesto? They only need 40% to get a majority in the house and I can't see the Liberals and Nationalists rallying behind Corbyn. So Britain leaves anyway?

Then, the Welsh & Scottish will declare independence and apply to join the EU. But the UK PM, who will be Liam Wotsit, the defence secretary that resigned a few a years ago, because Boris has died mysteriously, refuses to let them leave. So France and Ireland will then invade to help the Scotland & Wales. NATO collapses. President Trump comes in on Scotland's side and rebuilds Hadrian's Wall. So Putin will probably bomb China while everyone else is distracted.


And it'll all be Blair's fault.

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Boris has announced he will campaign to leave, a direct challenge to Dave.

Imagine this scenario -


Britain votes to narrowly stay. A majority of Tory members though vote to leave. Because he fought the good fight against Europe they vote for Boris to replace Cameron.


What happens at the next election? Do the Tories stand on a Euro exit manifesto? They only need 40% to get a majority in the house and I can't see the Liberals and Nationalists rallying behind Corbyn. So Britain leaves anyway?

Then, the Welsh & Scottish will declare independence and apply to join the EU. But the UK PM, who will be Liam Wotsit, the defence secretary that resigned a few a years ago, because Boris has died mysteriously, refuses to let them leave. So France and Ireland will then invade to help the Scotland & Wales. NATO collapses. President Trump comes in on Scotland's side and rebuilds Hadrian's Wall. So Putin will probably bomb China while everyone else is distracted.

And it'll all be Blair's fault.

You get crazier by the day Dec.

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Has anyone even thought about that here? No they haven't. etc

But what are you actually proposing? Nobody here is in a position to influence the outcome.

They are in a position to take advice, to seek representation, and to employ people and advisers to consider the potential outcome and the knock on for the IOM. The sad fact is though that we have done fuck all and the assumption is that what is good for the UK is good for us and I don't agree with that assumption one bit.


Oh no. Please. That seems to be the answer to everything. Look where it got us.

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If you have a view on Britain's membership of the EU then the best thing is to vote.


You can register to vote if you have lived in the UK within the past 15 years:


Register to vote



You can also sign this UK Government hosted petition to get a vote for all Crown Dependency residents:


Give a vote in an EU referendum to the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey.


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If you have a view on Britain's membership of the EU then the best thing is to vote.


You can register to vote if you have lived in the UK within the past 15 years:


Register to vote



You can also sign this UK Government hosted petition to get a vote for all Crown Dependency residents:


Give a vote in an EU referendum to the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey.


Thanks for that. Registered.

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I have an idea that registering to vote in a UK election would potentially reset your domicile and therefore make your estate liable for UK inheritance tax.


Personally this does not affect me - and I don't care. Also - I am not an accountant and might be wrong. Perhaps someone with a bit more information can clarify.

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@ Declan: President Trump comes in on Scotland's side


No. The Scots have upset the Donald and he isn't a forgiving man.


He's playing the long game. Scotland will be in such debt to him, they'll let him clear the highlands to make the World's biggest golf course.

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I have an idea that registering to vote in a UK election would potentially reset your domicile and therefore make your estate liable for UK inheritance tax.


Personally this does not affect me - and I don't care. Also - I am not an accountant and might be wrong. Perhaps someone with a bit more information can clarify.


You won't get a definitive answer on Manxforums about tax residence and domicile.


If you are troubled by this then best to ask an accountant.

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I have an idea that registering to vote in a UK election would potentially reset your domicile and therefore make your estate liable for UK inheritance tax.


Personally this does not affect me - and I don't care. Also - I am not an accountant and might be wrong. Perhaps someone with a bit more information can clarify.

You won't get a definitive answer on Manxforums about tax residence and domicile.


If you are troubled by this then best to ask an accountant.


I'm not bothered. It doesn't affect me and I wouldn't care if it did. But I think it worth warning other people that there is a potential domicile and therefore tax issue related to registering to vote in the UK. It's not something to do casually unless your stay here is definitely temporary.

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If the whole population of the IOM decided one way or the other, I doubt if it would make a huge difference but it seems far too simplistic and dismissive to just write off the idea "don't vote in a country you don't live in". We shall be acutely affected by the decision "that other country that we have nowt to do with" finally makes. Mind you, given some of the other posts on this thread it might not have been an entirely serious observation.


It doesn't affect me but I think someone who has lived in the UK can then vote there for 15 years. I'm guessing that their name will be held on the voters list controlled by their old local authority and any voting papers would have to be sent to their Manx address. I therefore doubt whether HMRC could then try and say (edit based on this alone) you were still UK domiciled. in fact you'd have documentary proof that all communication was sent to you elsewhere.


If you have any question regarding your domicile, I hardly think MF is the place to start but I understand that the question is now much clearer than it was this time last year when there were no hard and fast rules.

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I just reminded myself that my EU/British Islands passport says that it belongs to HM Government and that it confers my right of abode in the UK.


Whether or not my country is part of the EU is, as far as I am concerned, very much my business.


Membership of the EU affects us all. The UK should give us the vote.


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