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American Presidential Elections 2016


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It's just another step in the probable realignment in post WW2 liberal free trade human rights consensus politics in the west. Lots of people feeling left out, ennui ( I think?). Same in EU with Brexit. France Le Pen. Hungary. Spain. IOM. etc etc.

Problem is there is no clear vision or dream to replace it with other than authoritarianism.

I see the Canada government visa and immigration web site has crashed.

It'll see the end of NAFTA, TTIP, the Pacific one.

He can't deliver otherwise than through rhetoric and propaganda. Will the sheeple wake up in time or will they sleep walk into the abyss because the believe what demagogues, even poor ones like trump, tell them.

If I was a betting man, which I am not, I'd place money on them continuing to walk into the jaws of the Abyss.

There is no chance that Trump will do a trade deal with UK, he's all about protectionism and restarting old inefficient industries like steel and auto and not allowing competition in. We saw how ineffective that was in the 1960's, 70's and 80's.

It has ramifications for world economic growth, trade etc. It may even hasten the end of EU monetary union, freedom of movement and the single market and customs union.

If Greece now left the Euro and defaulted what would the effect be on German banks, and the knock on within world banking, if Ireland, Portugal and Spain did likewise, followed by Italy and France the downturn and economic crisis would be much worse than the last 8 years

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Stupid people let their emotions make decisions.

How would you prove this statement?



I mean we could show the countless hours of video footage of Trump supporters declaring their love for the Orange Overlord, and when shown with a rational and reasoned counter argument that he is a racist, xenophobic, multi-bankrupt, many times married, serial litigation junkie, they just repeated their love for the Tangerine Tyrant.


But evidence doesn't sit well with the type of people who voted for UKIP or Trump.

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seeing the so called more educated people coming out berating the Americans in the way they berated the brexit voters makes me glad trump won.

This post sums things up pretty well. Stupid people let their emotions make decisions. You feel good, so fuck the consequences.

Stupid Brexiters. Stupid Trump voters. The world it seems is full of stupid people. It must be horrible pulling open the curtains in your world.

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seeing the so called more educated people coming out berating the Americans in the way they berated the brexit voters makes me glad trump won.

This post sums things up pretty well. Stupid people let their emotions make decisions. You feel good, so fuck the consequences.

Stupid Brexiters. Stupid Trump voters. The world it seems is full of stupid people. It must be horrible pulling open the curtains in your world.



No the world is full of stupid people who vote and more stupid people who don't vote.


It is apathy that allowed Brexit and Trump to happen.

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Democrats brought this onto themselves. How hated must she be? It's great to see her lose but it's horrible to see him win. Having said that, he's not stupid and neither are the Republicans. They'll now take him aside and tell him exactly how this show will run for the next four years. They're not stupid enough to let him ruin their interests.

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Stupid people let their emotions make decisions.

How would you prove this statement?

I mean we could show the countless hours of video footage of Trump supporters declaring their love for the Orange Overlord, and when shown with a rational and reasoned counter argument that he is a racist, xenophobic, multi-bankrupt, many times married, serial litigation junkie, they just repeated their love for the Tangerine Tyrant.


But evidence doesn't sit well with the type of people who voted for UKIP or Trump.

And what of Clinton's foibles? I wonder how much you've gleaned over the years about the level of her and her philandering junkie husband's criminality.


Is this not relevant to the overview?

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