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American Presidential Elections 2016


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wrongly labelled as racists or islamophobes in an attempt to discredit them and stifle free-speech.

Do you think Trump is wrongly labelled as a racist and an islamophobe?


I suppose some of his rhetoric about Mexicans and Muslims was borderline but some things have to be said and judging by the result a lot of voters agreed fundamentally in some of the views he has expressed.


Borderline?! Obviously people agreed with what he said. If they agreed with his racist and islamophobic views then it's hard to argue that they are "wrongly labelled as racists or islamophobes".

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Let me put one thing straight, I am not a fan of either candidate or their policies.

I keep hearing this meme from people justifying Trump's politics.

A lot of people just voted for Trump and his politics, did you see? His election says more about the general state of American politics, racism, xenophobia, etc. The gaps in perception are enormous and more dialogue needs to be entered into.

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Why the 'white' reference?


Because Trump is an angry white man and was making a lot of promises to other angry white men (about immigrants, Muslims, rich bankers, etc)



But he had support from large numbers of angry latinos, blacks and Asians. I suppose they were all just a bit stupid.

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wrongly labelled as racists or islamophobes in an attempt to discredit them and stifle free-speech.

Do you think Trump is wrongly labelled as a racist and an islamophobe?
I suppose some of his rhetoric about Mexicans and Muslims was borderline but some things have to be said and judging by the result a lot of voters agreed fundamentally in some of the views he has expressed.
Borderline?! Obviously people agreed with what he said. If they agreed with his racist and islamophobic views then it's hard to argue that they are "wrongly labelled as racists or islamophobes".

I wouldn't dispute this, his rhetoric most certainly struck a chord with the racists and others but not all of his voters can be tarred with that brush. As I said earlier, his victory draws attention down on how much racism still permeates American society and the illusion created by the Obama administration.

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Why the 'white' reference?


Because Trump is an angry white man and was making a lot of promises to other angry white men (about immigrants, Muslims, rich bankers, etc)



But he had support from large numbers of angry latinos, blacks and Asians. I suppose they were all just a bit stupid.



You say large, but I doubt its as large as you think it is.


And if they did vote for the guy who was endorsed by the KKK (in quite public ways) and yet he didn't distance himself from them, then yes they are idiots.

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We’ll eventually get more rigorous data on who voted and how from the Census Bureau. But the exit poll does offer some early insights into the demographics of the electorate.

Based on this data, across the board, white people of nearly all ages, genders, and education levels chose Trump. The only exception: college-educated white women.


Whites vs. nonwhite voters

  • Whites made up 70 percent of voters
  • 58 percent of all whites voted for Trump
  • 21 percent of nonwhites voted for Trump

White men

  • White men made up 34 percent of voters
  • 63 percent of them voted Trump
  • 31 percent voted Clinton

White women

  • White women made up 37 percent of voters
  • 53 percent of them voted Trump
  • 43 percent voted Clinton



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Did misogyny help scupper Clinton's campaign?

Care to explain? Still waiting for you "drug" story from earlier.

Go search for allegations made about Billy-boys affectation for mama coca and Hillary's attempts to ruin those women who made allegations of his infidelities and drug use. Then look at Whitewater from years ago regarding the hounding of little people by the Clinton's and their legal team when they shone a light on the Clinton's business style.

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Go search for allegations made about Billy-boys affectation for mama coca and Hillary's attempts to ruin those women who made allegations of his infidelities and drug use. Then look at Whitewater from years ago regarding the hounding of little people by the Clinton's and their legal team when they shone a light on the Clinton's business style.



Ah its one of those "I'm going to make a claim, but not back it up and then tell everyone else to google it" claims.


Gotcha. Like I said earlier I did google it and all that came up were right wing fringe sites and "news" articles from right wing leaning "news" sites.


Going to have to try harder than that.

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Politics and religion rely on useful idiots.

Please clarify your points rather than leaning on sound bites...wait a second...that was the entire Trump campaign from the get go...I see what you did there!

I've said all I needed to say on Trump's election. His triumph speaks volumes about the divided state of play in American democracy.


You carry on with pissing your panties.

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