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American Presidential Elections 2016


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Why the 'white' reference?




We’ll eventually get more rigorous data on who voted and how from the Census Bureau. But the exit poll does offer some early insights into the demographics of the electorate.

Based on this data, across the board, white people of nearly all ages, genders, and education levels chose Trump. The only exception: college-educated white women.


Whites vs. nonwhite voters

  • Whites made up 70 percent of voters
  • 58 percent of all whites voted for Trump
  • 21 percent of nonwhites voted for Trump

White men

  • White men made up 34 percent of voters
  • 63 percent of them voted Trump
  • 31 percent voted Clinton

White women

  • White women made up 37 percent of voters
  • 53 percent of them voted Trump
  • 43 percent voted Clinton





rmanx has gone some way to answering that question with the initial demographic breakdown. It was also a phrase used by Michael Moore in a piece in which he predicted Trump would win.


I must say that I was amazed that Obama was elected and then returned given his racial background. The fact that he was gave me hope that maybe the USA was finally addressing the issues that it has with racial tensions and divisions. Perhaps it was too much to hope that they would also elect the first female President.


I suppose they have elected the first orange president though.


Woody2 - Poor trolling.

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Obviously I'm not an American so this is purely hypothetical but I don't know who I would have voted for. To me, both candidates were repulsive. I could have brought myself to vote for Trump for pretty obvious reasons but there is something that sits uneasy about Clinton as well. I bet they regret not supporting Sanders now.

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Who'd put money on a prosecution developing against Hillary now the charm offensive is over?


I'd money on it never being mentioned again now that it has served its purpose, it the same way we'll never hear about the Republitard rally cry of "BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!"

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