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American Presidential Elections 2016


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The man who never made a mistake never made anything.

trump himself made a success by taking all the money out then letting it go to the wall

Doesn't sound like a promising strategy for an entire country.


As I said earlier I found both candidates repulsive. Like many I was surprised by the result but I guess we don't know the real feeling of working class middle America. I'll reserve judgement on Trump until we've actually heard from him and seen some concrete actions. He is definitely a showman, I don't believe the image you see is really him.

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The man who never made a mistake never made anything.

trump himself made a success by taking all the money out then letting it go to the wall

Doesn't sound like a promising strategy for an entire country.


As I said earlier I found both candidates repulsive. Like many I was surprised by the result but I guess we don't know the real feeling of working class middle America. I'll reserve judgement on Trump until we've actually heard from him and seen some concrete actions. He is definitely a showman, I don't believe the image you see is really him.



It's not as if he's just rode into town on his horse and taken over a country. The true power of a president is nowhere near as much as some people think. His claims to 'drain the swamp' would in practice result in thousands of government employees losing their jobs or at the very least having their power diminished. People like that don't just roll over after having the rug pulled on their cushty power bases. Think of how much our own establishment have resisted their gravy train being derailed. Multiply that a million-fold and you get the idea of what Washington is like.

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I guess we don't know the real feeling of working class middle America

Yes. Won't somebody please think of the poor downtrodden working class whites?



Nor sure of the relevance of a picture taken at the victory rally. Look at the statistics and watch the news and you'll see the working class middle Americans I'm referring to. I don't like him (or Clinton) but Trump realised that those people were the key to victory and targeted their vote.

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Trump realised that those people were the key to victory and targeted their vote.

With lies and empty promises. And by appealing to their ugliest instincts. And even though they knew he was lying they still voted for him.

I wouldn't disagree with that. Politics is a dirty business, sadly modern politics seems to be based on appealing to people's fears.

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Trump realised that those people were the key to victory and targeted their vote.

With lies and empty promises. And by appealing to their ugliest instincts. And even though they knew he was lying they still voted for him.



It must be a horrible world you inhabit. Having a moral and faux intellectual superiority and moaning about everything must make for a very unhappy existence.

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It must be a horrible world you inhabit. Having a moral and faux intellectual superiority and moaning about everything must make for a very unhappy existence.

But I almost never moan. I'm not the one constantly whining about the govt or propagating daft conspiracy theories. You could retire on the money I've saved on tinfoil.

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It must be a horrible world you inhabit. Having a moral and faux intellectual superiority and moaning about everything must make for a very unhappy existence.

But I almost never moan. I'm not the one constantly whining about the govt or propagating daft conspiracy theories. You could retire on the money I've saved on tinfoil.


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With lies and empty promises. And by appealing to their ugliest instincts. And even though they knew he was lying they still voted for him.

Well it worked for self-serving Gove and Johnson in the EU referendum and that's almost certainly the advice that Farage passed on.

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