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American Presidential Elections 2016


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Or OJ. Yeah, OJ.


Kanye west says he will run in 2020



He'd lose so hard his ego would never recover and he'd probably run away to live in a desert somewhere, never to be heard from again, so I hope he runs.

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I'm just trying to remember when the latest nuclear warning siren test was ermm.gif


Why? Trump wont be allowed within 100 miles of anything that could start a sunshine bomb fight.


Also nukes are bad for business. People that are burnt to a cinder aren't very good consumers.

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I'm very pleased with the result and look forward to seeing a man who is independent and in nobody else's pocket fighting the rampant corruption in Washington DC. It won't be easy and I hope he keeps away from book depositories or grassy knolls.

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I'm very pleased with the result and look forward to seeing a man who is independent and in nobody else's pocket fighting the rampant corruption in Washington DC. It won't be easy and I hope he keeps away from book depositories or grassy knolls.



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I saw it here. I agree it's poorly done - but that is almost a part of what makes it an interesting commentary on the country


I just don't know what to make of the Alt-Right - racist, homophobic and sexist are easy cliches, though young, urban and right wing rather than old, rural and right wing seems a pretty good signifier of the group and what distinguishes it from other segments of American conservatism.

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I just don't know what to make of the Alt-Right - racist, homophobic and sexist are easy cliches, though young, urban and right wing rather than old, rural and right wing seems a pretty good signifier of the group and what distinguishes it from other segments of American conservatism.

They aren't conservatives - in so much as they are fiercely anti-establishment and lack any respect for established traditions and values (though they will happily pick and choose second-hand quotes from the US Constitution). They're spoiled hooligans and anonymous bullies with a short attention span, steeped in the idea that govt is a conspiracy and that society is a con. It's the political equivalent of internet trolling.


I thought it was interesting that PJ O'Rourke backed Mrs Clinton.

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Some Republicans are too Reptilian for him?

I like the quote on the Wikipedia page:


"We are in favor of: guns, drugs, fast cars, free love (if our wives don't find out), a sound dollar, and a strong military with spiffy uniforms. There are thousands of people in America who feel this way, especially after three or four drinks. If all of us would unite and work together, we could give this country. . . well, a real bad hangover."

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I'm very pleased with the result and look forward to seeing a man who is independent and in nobody else's pocket fighting the rampant corruption in Washington DC. It won't be easy and I hope he keeps away from book depositories or grassy knolls.





Awwww!!!! Is the poor Killary supporter on laughing gas for the butt hurt over Trump's landslide? Haha.

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