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American Presidential Elections 2016


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Your argument could be put another way. The majority of constituencies in England are Conservative. However, as a whole, the UK often shifts between Labour and Conservative. Would it be democratic to stop the electoral college system in the UK (parliament is basically an electoral college) and get rid of parliamentary democracy, and push for a popular UK-wide vote (so-called direct democracy) to put MPs into Westminster who reflect the popular vote rather than local consistencies? It's an insane proposition. It would undermine local representation, the same way state representation works in the United States.



The difference is Britain doesn't have a nationwide vote for Head of State. The American constitution very clearly separates the Executive (the President) and the Legislature (the Senate) arms of Government, whilst Britain has a Parliamentary form of Government. This isn't perfect, which is why I favour a form of Proportional Representation for UK Parliament Elections.


There isn't an all UK vote for the Prime Minister, if there was, I believe it should be one vote per citizen - just as the referendum was, not by adding constituency basis. Certainly on the IOM I think the situation would be better, there'd be greater public engagement in politics, the government would have a mandate endorsed by the people, if we had an all Island vote for Chief Minister.


You call it an ill-considered constitutional change, but I haven't heard a downside to change advanced by anyone yet. Including you.


But I'll leave the last word to Trump -



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The results clearly show around half the population voted for him.



Actually only half that "voted", voted for Trump.


This is the important distinction that a lot of people fail to make, and it was the same for Brexit.


Both Brexit and the Trump win are not indicative of the will of the people, just those willing and able to vote.

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Trump got the votes he did because he made wild promises relying heavily on right wing "conservative values".


In other words he played to the crowd.


And now he is in "power" he is having to renege on those promises, because the were illegal, unconstitutional or just complete and utter bullshit.


I can't wait to see the right tear itself apart even harder over the next four years.

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I can't wait to see the right tear itself apart even harder over the next four years.

In your dreams. What a load of claptrap from the whining liberals on this thread.


"Oh the people never voted for Trump and they never voted for Brexit".


They never voted for the liberal values, the lack of law and order, the permissive society, the disastrous multi-cultural social experiment, globalisation, excessive immigration, post industrial wastelands, everything to be made in China and far eastern sweat shops, the bankers and financiers ruling (and ruining) the world, cloying political correctness and the demonisation of anyone who dares to speak against it.


Now, at long last they've had enough and how refreshing it is to see the worm finally turn and how joyous to watch the reactions of those comfortable intellectual idiots who thought they knew it all.

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Great post, Woolley. The philosophy of world politics is changing. Up-coming elections within the EU will reflect this change also.


People-power. Either way, the after-shocks of Brexit and Trump will hopefully encourage more people to make their voices heard, whichever way they lean.

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In your dreams.



We'll see (as you quite often say with your doomsaying).


He has already started pulling back on his promises (almost as if he had some advice from Farage on the matter.


When the right see him for the snakeoil salesman he really is, they will be clamouring for a more "traditional" republican representative.


There won't be a wall, they won't deport the Muslims, they won't magic jobs out of thin air, Clinton won't be in jail, he won't repeal Obamacare, he won't start a witch hunt on the LGBT community, he won't tear up the Iran deal...the list goes on and on...

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In your dreams.



We'll see (as you quite often say with your doomsaying).


He has already started pulling back on his promises (almost as if he had some advice from Farage on the matter.


When the right see him for the snakeoil salesman he really is, they will be clamouring for a more "traditional" republican representative.


There won't be a wall, they won't deport the Muslims, they won't magic jobs out of thin air, Clinton won't be in jail, he won't repeal Obamacare, he won't start a witch hunt on the LGBT community, he won't tear up the Iran deal...the list goes on and on...



I do agree with this but the fact is he was a better option than the war-mongering, criminal Clinton. In the end we'll probably end up at the same point but we'll just get there a lot slower under Trump with a bit more meandering and showmanship along the way.

The old boys in the Council on Foreign Relations will still formulate the policies, Wall Street will still dictate economic policy, lobbyists will still further the corporate agenda and the man on the street will still get screwed. 'Twas ever thus.

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They never voted for the liberal values,


Well they kinda did...there are these things called elections (granted there isn't much of a difference between the main parties these days)


Nobody voted for any of the things I listed. And sure as hell, no politicians were stupid enough to put them in any manifesto. They just kinda happened anyway.


Doom and gloom is subjective. I think what is happening is positive and it won't be stopping anytime soon. Trendy politicians have had their day and will be booted out across Europe too. thumbsup.gif

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