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American Presidential Elections 2016


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In your dreams.



We'll see (as you quite often say with your doomsaying).


He has already started pulling back on his promises (almost as if he had some advice from Farage on the matter.


When the right see him for the snakeoil salesman he really is, they will be clamouring for a more "traditional" republican representative.


There won't be a wall, they won't deport the Muslims, they won't magic jobs out of thin air, Clinton won't be in jail, he won't repeal Obamacare, he won't start a witch hunt on the LGBT community, he won't tear up the Iran deal...the list goes on and on...



I do agree with this but the fact is he was a better option than the war-mongering, criminal Clinton. In the end we'll probably end up at the same point but we'll just get there a lot slower under Trump with a bit more meandering and showmanship along the way.

The old boys in the Council on Foreign Relations will still formulate the policies, Wall Street will still dictate economic policy, lobbyists will still further the corporate agenda and the man on the street will still get screwed. 'Twas ever thus.


I think the elites have to take heed at least to some extent. If they don't, this will be extremely dangerous for democracy.

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Nobody voted for any of the things I listed.



But they voted for someone every four years, so they either didn't know about your "liberal timebomb" or they just didn't care (or the more realistic scenario...its just your paranoia getting the best of you again)

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Sarah Palin - secretary of the interior (the intellectual black hole)


Chris Christie - attorney general (the bridge guy)


Trump's campaign manager - chief of staff (the one with issues with Jews)


Steven Mnuchin - Secretary of the Treasury (the same Mnuchin who was instrumental in the Goldman Sachs disaster that kick started the 2008 financial crash)


Starting to sound like a power house team....smh

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Nobody voted for any of the things I listed.



But they voted for someone every four years, so they either didn't know about your "liberal timebomb" or they just didn't care (or the more realistic scenario...its just your paranoia getting the best of you again)


They knew about it, they cared, but they were called idiots, racists and xenophopes by the liberal know-alls who, it turns out, didn't know as much as they thought they did. Finally, things have come to such a pass that the pressure vessel has finally burst. Good luck putting the genie back.

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In your dreams.



We'll see (as you quite often say with your doomsaying).


He has already started pulling back on his promises (almost as if he had some advice from Farage on the matter.


When the right see him for the snakeoil salesman he really is, they will be clamouring for a more "traditional" republican representative.


There won't be a wall, they won't deport the Muslims, they won't magic jobs out of thin air, Clinton won't be in jail, he won't repeal Obamacare, he won't start a witch hunt on the LGBT community, he won't tear up the Iran deal...the list goes on and on...



I do agree with this but the fact is he was a better option than the war-mongering, criminal Clinton. In the end we'll probably end up at the same point but we'll just get there a lot slower under Trump with a bit more meandering and showmanship along the way.

The old boys in the Council on Foreign Relations will still formulate the policies, Wall Street will still dictate economic policy, lobbyists will still further the corporate agenda and the man on the street will still get screwed. 'Twas ever thus.


I think the elites have to take heed at least to some extent. If they don't, this will be extremely dangerous for democracy.



I agree. We were in danger of being dragged along a path no-one voted for until the pace of change became too swift and enough people stood up to be counted. We'll more than likely still see things attempt to move in a similar direction but a lot slower and the key will be to bring more of the people along this time until any dissenting public are a small minority.

In 10 years a lot of Brexit voters for example will be dead and at that time our ever increasing multi-cultural youth will not know to vote any different. Similarly in the US I'm sure society will increasingly be moulded to think along global lines in time for the next election.

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the elites




God you're starting to sound like Gerry

If memory serves you referred to those who voted for trump were the "underclass"


just sayingflowers.gif

Care to quote me on that?


Just saying

Does he need to quote you? All through this thread the essence of your posts has exuded the same complacent and pompous intellectual snobbery typical of the Brexit remoaners; casting aspersions on the integrity and plausibility of those who voted against the expected norm.


Guilty as charged...

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the elites




God you're starting to sound like Gerry

If memory serves you referred to those who voted for trump were the "underclass"


just sayingflowers.gif

Care to quote me on that?


Just saying

Does he need to quote you? All through this thread the essence of your posts has exuded the same complacent and pompous intellectual snobbery typical of the Brexit remoaners; casting aspersions on the integrity and plausibility of those who voted against the expected norm.


Guilty as charged...



It's easy for him to do it on a keyboard. Using the same derogatory tone and language in person on the street he'd get a bloody nose so they prefer to gossip amongst each other in coffee shops and sneer out the windows at the great unwashed.

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It comes from the certainty of being right all of your life, having this view reinforced by media and authorities, and believing that things can only be this way. If you think the wrong way you might be sent on a "diversity awareness" course or similar. It's reminiscent of, although obviously more politically correct than, the experience of Soviet dissidents who were sent east for "re-education" in the delights of communism, another example from history where things could only be a certain way. Until it all changed.

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The polls are definitely rigged, no way is Hilary Clinton ahead of Trump in reality, thousands seem to turn out for his rallies whereas Hillary has to bus in paid seat fillers, the women and her coke snorting philanderer of a husband are very much disliked I am afraid.


Thousands of dribbling, inbred hicks....not exactly a metric to be proud of






I am no fan of Trump, but I CAN see why what he says appeals to people, and they don't have to be stupid.



But as with Farage and Brexit, it was all bollocks "we're gonna build a wall", no you're not. "We'll kick out all the Muslims", no you wont.


He has relied on the idiot under class and played on their misguide fears and mistrust.




there you go rmanx,..... "what can't speak can't lie"........."idiot underclass", presumably those would be the "dribbling inbred hicks"



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the elites




God you're starting to sound like Gerry



If memory serves you referred to those who voted for trump were the "underclass"


just sayingflowers.gif



Care to quote me on that?


Just saying



see above flowers.gif

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