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American Presidential Elections 2016


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If he gets in...Trump is likely to start World War 3.

I doesn't matter who gets in, the whole thing is nothing more than bread and circus for the crowd.


The anti trump campaign is quite amusing, I must admit that with all elections it is a choice between the lesser of two evils, but this particular member of the Clinton crime family should be behind bars, not running for president, it just goes to show how utterly corrupt the whole thing is, and how stupid the electorate is.


Donald in this instance is the lesser of two evils.

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I'd be shocked if Hilary Clinton got into any actual jail time trouble over her email usage - it's not like she's a 'normal person'. She's still going to win though. (Well, Democrats to win, whether its her or Bernie Sanders I have no idea)

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Her crimes go far deeper than the recent email scandal, a trail of "suicides" has followed the Clinton's from the days of Bill being Arkansas governor to the present day, the Clinton family fortune was built up on drug running, anyone who got in the way seemed to have conveniently killed themselves. The woman is clearly a psychopath, and anyone thinking she is a friend of women, and this is the reason they would vote for her needs to look at the vicious smear campaigns that she lead against the women that her husband raped... She is no friend of women by any means...


Donald is no choice either, he is a Jesuit trained puppet, but still a better choice than Killery Clinton.. Trump is only popular because the people really have no other choice and they still seem think that they can vote their way out of the coming collapse of the USA..Its not going to stop the soon to be train wreak of the USA.


Here is a thought for all to consider, The USA has over 300,000,000 people, now does anyone really think that the few (selected) on stage are the best to offer from these 300 million people? that word kakistocracy come's to mind again and again in all of these events.


WW3 was mentioned earlier, well yes that is surely the plan, what are we in now, is it perhaps an irreversible worldwide economic crisis, what was the situation of the economy prior to WW1 and WW2? .....The trend seems to show that war is the solution for a major economic crisis, they seem to use it as a reset mechanism, perhaps that is why all wars are banker financed wars...

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I never thought I'd think it, but I hope Hillary Clinton wins it. I'm right wing on most things and I don't mind pissing off the liberals and like to see them put in their place but this fella is a step beyond reason.

Not me. I'm generally a bit right wing like you, but I'd like to see President Trump for the entertainment value. I'm generally of the belief that whatever shade of politician we get, little changes. Trump is not an idiot, despite what people may think from the recent campaign. I reckon that once he gets the nomination he'll tone it down somewhat, and come November we'll have president Trump, soon to be in a special relationship with Prime Minister Johnson.


I'm locking that in just in case you change your mind, Wrighty. thumbsup.gif

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I never thought I'd think it, but I hope Hillary Clinton wins it. I'm right wing on most things and I don't mind pissing off the liberals and like to see them put in their place but this fella is a step beyond reason.

Not me. I'm generally a bit right wing like you, but I'd like to see President Trump for the entertainment value. I'm generally of the belief that whatever shade of politician we get, little changes. Trump is not an idiot, despite what people may think from the recent campaign. I reckon that once he gets the nomination he'll tone it down somewhat, and come November we'll have president Trump, soon to be in a special relationship with Prime Minister Johnson.


I'm locking that in just in case you change your mind, Wrighty. thumbsup.gif


No need for that. I don't edit my posts apart from for typos that look like grammatical errors. I have no problem with getting political predictions wrong, or even back-tracking on once held opinions if subsequently shown to be wrong, but there's no way I want to be seen as someone who doesn't understand how to use an apostrophe or an adverbial form correctly.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Original from here.


The Echo Chamber of American Politics.


People with principled differences living in their own compartmentalised bubbles listening to people aping their own opinions with almost no exchange between the different camps.


America is almost a perfect example of how not to have a political discussion.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, Hillary has at least become the first women ever to be selected by a major political party in the United States to run for president.


Highlights the sexism in US society - no women has even been selected before now to run.


She's a poor campaigner and Trump has wrong footed the most slick Republican politicians so who knows if she'll actually win, but simply gaining the nomination is an advance for women's rights.


In the Great Conversation people's ideas have to persuade the most people in order to advance.


There is a stark difference between Trump's and Clinton's visions of this world.


Now they have to persuade the electorate that their view will bring forth a better world.


Politics ... it's a dirty business!

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