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American Presidential Elections 2016


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In the past they needed no comprehension of their postion, because anyone putting a contrary view could easily be consigned to the virtual nut house in a welter of insults such as xenophobe, far-right, illiberal, fascist, racist, etc, which shut down all debate except on the fringes for decades. They were right and that was all they needed to know.


Now though, the poor lambs are realising, as one of them said here the other day, that "the country is nothing approaching what they thought it was" and the "deplorables", as Hillary called her potential electors, are not so isolated as they were thought to be and have gone mainstream. What a nightmare. It must be terrible to be so suddenly disabused of all of the "truths" you thought were eternal.

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You know, like when you are calling people racist, stupid and xenophobic? But you're right of course, aren't you? So that's all OK.

Err excuse me but I think the kudos for that belongs to yours truly.


Oh sorry. I didn't realise you had registered the copyright. You'll have to tell the other liberals you'll sue if they don't desist.

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Truths are contingent on differing perspectives.


Only when evidence free.

Well, yes, but that is the whole point. We are talking about perceived truth here which has been immovable for decades until now.

In my experience a lot of folks seem to be very selective on believing any hard evidence that is presented to them ie it doesn't suit their perception. Frequently when it's about themselves it would appear....


A friend in LA is spitting blood and feathers about Trump getting in. According to him Trump won by appealing to rather base instincts. Sound familiar? It should...

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And of course, the liberals are above all of that because they have superior instincts and they are right. By their benevolent machinations they can mould the entire world in their image and the people will be forever grateful to live in the benign world that the wise ones create. But wait a minute. The ungrateful bastards are revolting....................

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I'm a liberal for no other reason than I care about people.


Incidentally Woolley a truth without evidence is not a truth. It's just an opinion. That's why I'm pretty sure you can't read Hilary Clintons mind otherwise amongst all your opinions on liberals (that you just seem to love letting everyone know!) you would have posted up what she really thinks about Monica Lewinsky.


And as a christian I'm always mindful that Faith = Belief - Evidence!

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Which is the bizarre thing, because many people I know of liberal persuasion, or anyone who can sympathise with many liberal ideals, are now realising that we've gone too far the other way and are voicing that fact. In attempting to remodel society in their own utopia they've created a situation whereby most people with some kind of common sense can see it disintegrating not uniting.

Which means what we're left with are the apparently disparate groups that our liberal overlords have convinced us are different from the rest of society and the majority of the liberals who can't bring themselves to admit (to themselves) that things aren't all sweetness and light for fear of being perceived as drifting towards the centre, or have just been sufficiently brainwashed to not see it.


In my opinion we no longer have any clear distinction between left and right anymore, just the lunatic fringes at the far end of each spectrum and the rest of society who just wants to get along.

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In my opinion we no longer have any clear distinction between left and right anymore, just the lunatic fringes at the far end of each spectrum and the rest of society who just wants to get along.

I find that impossible to believe!


In the UK the right-wing don't give a stuff about the most disadvantaged in society because most of them are workshy scroungers who have brought themselves down etc etc hence IDS's universal credit horlicks, the rise in child poverty, VAT up, zero-hours contracts being used to dodge basic workers benefits etc etc which is why I will never vote for them. Conversely the left-wing have this holistic approach to social welfare which seems to me to encourage exclusion etc etc which is why I will never vote for them. Well, that and the fact that currently they are pretty much unelectable anyway.


However a crucial measure of how civilised a society is comes down to how well they care for their most disadvantaged citizens. So my leanings are definitely liberal.

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I'm a liberal for no other reason than I care about people.


Incidentally Woolley a truth without evidence is not a truth. It's just an opinion. That's why I'm pretty sure you can't read Hilary Clintons mind otherwise amongst all your opinions on liberals (that you just seem to love letting everyone know!) you would have posted up what she really thinks about Monica Lewinsky.


And as a christian I'm always mindful that Faith = Belief - Evidence!

Here is the nub of the problem. The total disconnect between what the liberals believe and the effects that those beliefs have when imposed on societies from the top down. This kind of caring is pushing us to breaking point.


I care about people. All people. Believe it or not, liberals do not have the monopoly. Peoples' interests are not served by the sort of agendas that have been followed in the West for decades. Sad though it might be, we do not live in the perfect world that the liberals wish to live in. There will never be a situation where everyone will get on with everyone else and war will be at an end. It's just an unrealistic aim which is not in the nature of man. The difference between you and I is that I recognise this and I am prepared to live with things the way they really are. You would prefer to bury your head in the sand by pretending to yourself and the likeminded that you can reach your own utopia, and in so doing you will send the young, who you have conditioned by your blandishments, naked and defenceless into the world of harsh reality. This is not a kindness. It is dangerous folly and the ultimate cruelty. This is why I am pleased that so many people are waking up.

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