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American Presidential Elections 2016


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Incidentally Woolley a truth without evidence is not a truth. It's just an opinion. That's why I'm pretty sure you can't read Hilary Clintons mind otherwise amongst all your opinions on liberals (that you just seem to love letting everyone know!) you would have posted up what she really thinks about Monica Lewinsky.


And as a christian I'm always mindful that Faith = Belief - Evidence!

I don't know what you mean by that. Where have I said that I can read her mind? I might have done so, but please point out the context so I can see what you are getting at. Or of course I might have been pissed as you claimed to be on another thread recently. thumbsup.gif


Who knows what she thinks about Lewinsky? For all we know they may have enjoyed wild threesomes with Bill!

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I can't wait to see the right tear itself apart even harder over the next four years.

In your dreams. What a load of claptrap from the whining liberals on this thread.


"Oh the people never voted for Trump and they never voted for Brexit".


They never voted for the liberal values, the lack of law and order, the permissive society, the disastrous multi-cultural social experiment, globalisation, excessive immigration, post industrial wastelands, everything to be made in China and far eastern sweat shops, the bankers and financiers ruling (and ruining) the world, cloying political correctness and the demonisation of anyone who dares to speak against it.


Now, at long last they've had enough and how refreshing it is to see the worm finally turn and how joyous to watch the reactions of those comfortable intellectual idiots who thought they knew it all.




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I'm a liberal for no other reason than I care about people.


Incidentally Woolley a truth without evidence is not a truth. It's just an opinion. That's why I'm pretty sure you can't read Hilary Clintons mind otherwise amongst all your opinions on liberals (that you just seem to love letting everyone know!) you would have posted up what she really thinks about Monica Lewinsky.


And as a christian I'm always mindful that Faith = Belief - Evidence!

Here is the nub of the problem. The total disconnect between what the liberals believe and the effects that those beliefs have when imposed on societies from the top down. This kind of caring is pushing us to breaking point.


I care about people. All people. Believe it or not, liberals do not have the monopoly. Peoples' interests are not served by the sort of agendas that have been followed in the West for decades. Sad though it might be, we do not live in the perfect world that the liberals wish to live in. There will never be a situation where everyone will get on with everyone else and war will be at an end. It's just an unrealistic aim which is not in the nature of man. The difference between you and I is that I recognise this and I am prepared to live with things the way they really are. You would prefer to bury your head in the sand by pretending to yourself and the likeminded that you can reach your own utopia, and in so doing you will send the young, who you have conditioned by your blandishments, naked and defenceless into the world of harsh reality. This is not a kindness. It is dangerous folly and the ultimate cruelty. This is why I am pleased that so many people are waking up.



Typical Woolley thinking.


Your OPINION of what constitutes "the nub of the problem" simply does not not add up to me.


So you care about people. So what. Yes there probably will never will be a time when there will be no wars. I agree. I signed up under the colours - did you? I have also worked at Crisis for Christmas centres - have you? This totally ludicrous idea you seem to have that all liberals are idealists and out of touch with the real world is complete and utter BS. Nick Turncoat Cleggy being a notable exception.


I am a very pragmatic person and I posted back at the beginning of August iirc that Trump was going to win it. The reasons outlined by Moore really struck a chord with me because I could understand EXACTLY what he was saying.


In any event, just because we will never have utopia is no excuse not to work to get as close to it as we can for the advantage of everybody.

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I'm a liberal for no other reason than I care about people.


Incidentally Woolley a truth without evidence is not a truth. It's just an opinion. That's why I'm pretty sure you can't read Hilary Clintons mind otherwise amongst all your opinions on liberals (that you just seem to love letting everyone know!) you would have posted up what she really thinks about Monica Lewinsky.


And as a christian I'm always mindful that Faith = Belief - Evidence!

Here is the nub of the problem. The total disconnect between what the liberals believe and the effects that those beliefs have when imposed on societies from the top down. This kind of caring is pushing us to breaking point.


I care about people. All people. Believe it or not, liberals do not have the monopoly. Peoples' interests are not served by the sort of agendas that have been followed in the West for decades. Sad though it might be, we do not live in the perfect world that the liberals wish to live in. There will never be a situation where everyone will get on with everyone else and war will be at an end. It's just an unrealistic aim which is not in the nature of man. The difference between you and I is that I recognise this and I am prepared to live with things the way they really are. You would prefer to bury your head in the sand by pretending to yourself and the likeminded that you can reach your own utopia, and in so doing you will send the young, who you have conditioned by your blandishments, naked and defenceless into the world of harsh reality. This is not a kindness. It is dangerous folly and the ultimate cruelty. This is why I am pleased that so many people are waking up.



I agree. Trump and Brexit are simply manifestations of the growing spirit of the age. The failed policies of left-wing "liberalism" (it's not really liberal, it's just that they've appropriated that term) have caused uncountable problems in society today and the chickens are coming home to roost. Instead of realising this, and seeing that it was inevitable, they stuck their heads up their arses and reveled in their own self-righteous and obnoxious belief that they were right, and they sadly still have their heads up there. Fortunately, we have a parliamentary system of government (they still haven't gotten rid of that yet, though legislation via the unelected EU did allow them to get around it) and it only takes a majority of people to wake up and stop believing the lies being pushed on us for us to elect a government that represents the people. The failures are becoming more and more obvious to everyone, even people who were previously life long leftists. Heck, even Dennis Skinner was opposed to the EU, but you won't hear him on the TV much, because he's a genuine old school leftist, not one of this newer generation of fascist leftists.

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A "very pragmatic person" would surely say wait and see? The world and Donald J Trump haven't a clue how this will pan out.


Too many experts.


"Experts" who have been wrong again and again, yet all still pontificating to us as if they know what they're talking about.


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In what way? I believe he's an extremely intelligent, coherent and industrious individual. It was good to watch him, one man, take on the entire mass media and played them at their own game while they were pushing a false narrative of him. Just when they would think they'd got him, he got them, time and time again. His numbers just kept going up. The mainstream media is so completely distrusted (and for good reason) in America, unlike here in the UK/IOM where a lot of people still mindlessly believe it as gospel truth, that literally the only thing they could do to harm Trump would be to actually endorse him. That's how discredited they are. I've not seen anything that would suggest to me that the man is a "loony". He won.

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A "very pragmatic person" would surely say wait and see? The world and Donald J Trump haven't a clue how this will pan out.


Too many experts.


Agree with that! However Trump appointing Bannon as counselor gives an indication of how this will play out. Bannon is a former chairman of Breitbart News. A right-wing publication known for racist and anti-semitic views.


However the idea that folks are "waking up" to the "fact" that liberal ideals are selling them down the river is absolute nonsense. What we have seen is the rise of sleazy, lying, self-serving individuals who seem to be able to peddle the most outrageous untruths and simply get away with it. Trump claimed there were millions of illegals living in the US and sponging off welfare etc. Proof? Errr, well, ahem, maybe his mum told him a long time ago. But it seemed to me he could say anything he liked and get away with it.


How? Well, it's simple. You have a lot of disaffected voters so you just blame a minority who can't defend themselves, have no legal rights etc etc and you say you are going to (somehow) get shot of them all. You're also going to build a wall to make sure they don't come back. This will protect US jobs for US people. Hallelujah!


The reality is it's all bollocks...

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Agree with that! However Trump appointing Bannon as counselor gives an indication of how this will play out. Bannon is a former chairman of Breitbart News. A right-wing publication known for racist and anti-semitic views.


"Known" by whom for racist and anti-semitic views? Oh, that's right, left-wing political pundits and DNC operatives who make stuff up.

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What we have seen is the rise of sleazy, lying, self-serving individuals who seem to be able to peddle the most outrageous untruths and simply get away with it.


The reality is it's all bollocks...

It has always been thus. Dirty politics is not a new phenomena.

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Sarah Palin - secretary of the interior (the intellectual black hole)


She's a very intelligent lady, actually. What the banging on about? She's smarter than you.



Was going to respond to this dross of a thread anymore, but this post just took the biscuit.


She is as smart as a rock, a rock that is universally shunned for being the dumbest rock in the long history of rocks.


Not once has she said anything in a public forum that doesn't either indicate that she is tapped or genuinely bereft of any spark of intelligence.

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