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American Presidential Elections 2016


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You mean you can't help dissing liberals?

So you're pulling Woolley for doing exactly what you've done here and on the Brexit thread?




The bland leading the blind.


You mean the way I described them as "xenophobic, thick as pigshit, Daily Wail reading Little Englanders have won the referendum" I suppose?


Frankly in my recent experiences it was absolutely spot on!


I spent the last six months or so caring for someone who had an apartment in a McCarthy and Stone sheltered retirement place. You would not believe just how downright racist they all were. Several of them offered lifts to the polling station on referendum day herding other residents out with rolled-up copies of the Wail. Well, maybe not exactly but you get the point I'm sure.


Frankly the following could well be real:





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The problem with you thinking outside the box is that you don't believe there is an outside to the box. Your opinion has only one dimension - unchallengeable. You can insult anyone who demurs because that's what you have always done and until now it has always worked. So now that it is challenged bigstyle, you cry foul and, as you say, you don't think it's funny. Have to get used to it.

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You mean the way I described them as "xenophobic, thick as pigshit, Daily Wail reading Little Englanders have won the referendum" I suppose?


Frankly in my recent experiences it was absolutely spot on!


Yes. And your experiences are your own, subjective assessment so no matter how loud you shout, or the insults you so readily feel qualified to target others with, doesn't change the fact that you and your ilk took your eyes off the ball and got it wrong.


You were very smug in the run-up to Brexit; sure that your particular brand of politik had mileage and the thickos would be shown the boot.



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Why Trunp won a record 81% of "Evangelical" voters

Because evangelicals are idiots of the highest magnitude...of course they were going to vote for the conservative Jesus

No, they're not idiots. You are one.



Hmmmm unwavering belief in a magical sky ghost...and believing that Trump is going to make things "better"...


Nah I'll stick with my initial assessment.

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You mean the way I described them as "xenophobic, thick as pigshit, Daily Wail reading Little Englanders have won the referendum" I suppose?


Frankly in my recent experiences it was absolutely spot on!

Yes. And your experiences are your own, subjective assessment so no matter how loud you shout, or the insults you so readily feel qualified to target others with, doesn't change the fact that you and your ilk took your eyes off the ball and got it wrong.


You were very smug in the run-up to Brexit; sure that your particular brand of politik had mileage and the thickos would be shown the boot.





Unfortunately the LBC phone-ins I've posted up would seem to indicate that there's a great deal of ignorance out there.


But hey-ho we're leaving the EU. Of course, no-one has the faintest idea how it will pan out which means Brexit voters punted for a leap in the dark. That simple fact is unassailable I would say. But as long as it stays an unknown all those who wanted out will be able to sneer from the sidelines at those who opted to stay in.


As a father personally of course I want it to be a better future for my kids. Time will tell....

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You mean you can't help dissing liberals?

So you're pulling Woolley for doing exactly what you've done here and on the Brexit thread?




The bland leading the blind.


You mean the way I described them as "xenophobic, thick as pigshit, Daily Wail reading Little Englanders have won the referendum" I suppose?









I s'pose it's a bit like the first rule of industrial relations ........... nobody gets anywhere by reasoned debate.flowers.gif


Just sayinglaugh.png

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You mean the way I described them as "xenophobic, thick as pigshit, Daily Wail reading Little Englanders have won the referendum" I suppose?


Frankly in my recent experiences it was absolutely spot on!

Yes. And your experiences are your own, subjective assessment so no matter how loud you shout, or the insults you so readily feel qualified to target others with, doesn't change the fact that you and your ilk took your eyes off the ball and got it wrong.


You were very smug in the run-up to Brexit; sure that your particular brand of politik had mileage and the thickos would be shown the boot.





Unfortunately the LBC phone-ins I've posted up would seem to indicate that there's a great deal of ignorance out there.


But hey-ho we're leaving the EU. Of course, no-one has the faintest idea how it will pan out which means Brexit voters punted for a leap in the dark. That simple fact is unassailable I would say. But as long as it stays an unknown all those who wanted out will be able to sneer from the sidelines at those who opted to stay in.


As a father personally of course I want it to be a better future for my kids. Time will tell....



"As a father".............. give me a break ......... so fathers who voted for "brexit" did so because they wanted a worse future for theirs , you will be telling us net that you voted to stay in to "give something back"laugh.pnglaugh.png

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"As a father".............. give me a break ......... so fathers who voted for "brexit" did so because they wanted a worse future for theirs , you will be telling us net that you voted to stay in to "give something back":lol: laugh.png

They voted for Brexit without the slightest idea what it would mean.


Presumably you can't understand that.....

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@ PK: We all want the best for our kids but, surely, the future is always a leap in the dark. Disentangling from a closed shop, continent wide bureaucracy is not going to change that. Events evolve the whole time as do the stresses and strains within the EU.


All true up to a point. That point being I suspect the EU will be around a lot longer than a loy of folks think it will.


Again - time will tell....

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Don't presume to attempt to patronise me you are clearly unable to to accept that anyone can have a contrary view . I pity your children.


Hope this helps PK


So, in your opinion of course, why did people vote for Brexit?


Don't forget to put £numbers around your reasons.



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