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American Presidential Elections 2016


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So Trump announced at the debate last night that he definitely thinks the election will be rigged in Hilary's favour.


Which if you think about it is quite clever.


If he wins, oh well he won, the "people" have spoken against all odds.


If he loses, he can whip the nutjob, rifle carrying right wingers into a frenzy with claims that he was right all along.

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The polls are definitely rigged, no way is Hilary Clinton ahead of Trump in reality, thousands seem to turn out for his rallies whereas Hillary has to bus in paid seat fillers, the women and her coke snorting philanderer of a husband are very much disliked I am afraid.

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The polls are definitely rigged, no way is Hilary Clinton ahead of Trump in reality, thousands seem to turn out for his rallies whereas Hillary has to bus in paid seat fillers


This is the same argument that the Corbynistas use - thousands turn up to his meetings and to go on protest marches. Therefore they believe that the polls are wrong and that Corbyn and Labour must be more popular than Mrs May and the Conservatives.


They are wrong, of course. All it shows is that lots of people turn up to his meetings.

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The polls are definitely rigged, no way is Hilary Clinton ahead of Trump in reality, thousands seem to turn out for his rallies whereas Hillary has to bus in paid seat fillers, the women and her coke snorting philanderer of a husband are very much disliked I am afraid.


Thousands of dribbling, inbred hicks....not exactly a metric to be proud of

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The polls are definitely rigged, no way is Hilary Clinton ahead of Trump in reality, thousands seem to turn out for his rallies whereas Hillary has to bus in paid seat fillers, the women and her coke snorting philanderer of a husband are very much disliked I am afraid.

Thousands of dribbling, inbred hicks....not exactly a metric to be proud of

To be fair, as far as Trump is concerned, the only thing that matters is that each one of them has a vote and uses it for Trump.

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Its matters not as the "hicks" vote has the same weight as any other vote, Hilary Clinton is the masters choice at this selection event, apparently 4 million dead people voted for Obama last time, Anyone that thinks this election will be decided by the people's choice is seriously deluded.


Its my belief that Wikileaks and Trump are just tools for this charade. The problem they have is that Hilary is just too unpopular and when they put a clown like Trump in as the fake opposition, and were a legitimate vote to take place he would clearly win. So we need to watch for some kind of event to happen between now and November 8th, one that will possibly cancel / postpone the election in Hilary's favor.


There are 4 likely scenarios that will stop this "election", the 1st is war, they are currently trying this but thankfully not succeeding, 2nd is race war leading to marshal law, again tried but so far failed, 3rd is financial meltdown, and for the 4th one you will need to look to the skies around November the 8th.


If they dont think they can rig it for Hillary (which is a big job) then the election wont go ahead as planned.


I can see Obama staying on a little longer than expected. Either way we have not got long to wait for the outcome of this..

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