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World Leaders - War Crimes

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The situation in the Middle East appears on our TV and in the papers on a daily basis.

Like most, as the result of the reporting I have found myself becoming immune to the horrors and complacent about the suffering.

It is so easy to forget that it is real people, real men women and children who are suffering at the hands of monsters.

I would urge everyone to spend a few minutes watching this interview.

I only wish I could get Blair and Bush to sit down and watch it with their children and grandchildren so that they can see the consequences of their actions, and the current world leaders to watch it with their families so that they can explain why they are effectively doing nothing to right the wrongs committed in the name of idealised western freedom.




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Yazidi activist: My escape from 'Islamic State'

29 February 2016 Last updated at 11:50 GMT

Sarah Montague speaks to Yazidi rights activist Nadia Murad.

When extremists from the so-called Islamic State entered Nadia's village, they killed all the men: six of her brothers were murdered. She and hundreds of other Yazidi women were taken captive and, in the months that followed, they were passed from one group of men to another and gang-raped.

She managed to escape, but it is thought that thousands of women are still being held captive. Nadia Murad was in London to highlight their plight.

This video contains graphic descriptions which you may find distressing.


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Increase the minimum wage forthwith or I'll have to stop buying coffee and soup mix at Marks and Spencer!

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The Crimes against Humanity being committed in Syria are simply terrible.


I can't imagine what it must be like to live in such an environment.


These diary extracts, serialized on the Today Programme and animated here give some idea how horrible it is.

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If you think the brutality of so-called IS is spin and needs a creative imagination to portray you are blind.


Read the first hand accounts from Amnesty:


Torture and Sexual Slavery in Islamic State Captivity in Iraq


The Islamic State’s systematic targeting of minorities in northern Iraq

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i really dont think thats true nobswell. in fact, in the 18 months that i have spent bringing pragmatism and rationality to this site, you genuinely are the first person to actually suggest i am a troll of any type, let alone a main one. its possible i may have implied you are a cock at times but the thing is, you most certainly are, im just too polite to say it. what did you hope to achieve with your earlier messsage to gerry? there was no need for it said in that way, none whatsoever. apologise to gerry forthwith or im warning you, i will pretend to put you on ignore, then you will be sorry

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