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Farewell Keith Emerson.....


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I remember going through a really shitty period with an inherited business partner I loathed in the early 90's - every day was a battle of wills. I used to gird my loins on the drive to work each day with ELP's version of Jerusalem. Other favourites Karn Evil 9 and of course Fanfare.


I suppose this is going to be a regular thing now - all my musical heroes whilst a kid are into their 70's or older.

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I remember going through a really shitty period with an inherited business partner I loathed in the early 90's - every day was a battle of wills. I used to gird my loins on the drive to work each day with ELP's version of Jerusalem.


Effluence Lake and Peters.

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I remember going through a really shitty period with an inherited business partner I loathed in the early 90's - every day was a battle of wills. I used to gird my loins on the drive to work each day with ELP's version of Jerusalem. Other favourites Karn Evil 9 and of course Fanfare.


I suppose this is going to be a regular thing now - all my musical heroes whilst a kid are into their 70's or older.

Welcome back my friend to the show that never ends.....

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