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Sugar Tax


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So the UK gov are to bring in a tax on highly sugared drinks. Other than this being another cash grab from poor people can anyone please explain what the point is please? Because it clearly has absolutely fuck all to do with trying to get people to stop drinking them as they are already planning to spend the money.

Apparently the 8p tax increase on a can of Coke will be spent on more sports activities in schools. I'd rather the money get spent better equipping kids to forge a sick note so they can skive gym class. Bloody hated it myself.

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for low income families fresh food and greens are expensive. processed meals are cheaper if the government are serious about cutting obesity/diabetes etc then they would work on putting the prices of fresh food down


Absolute rot. I can knock up all manor of delicious healthy home cooked meals with plenty of veg for pennies. You need to have a word with yourself if you are feeding your families bought processed crap because you perceive it to be cheap. Your laziness will make them ill.

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for low income families fresh food and greens are expensive. processed meals are cheaper if the government are serious about cutting obesity/diabetes etc then they would work on putting the prices of fresh food down


Absolute rot. I can knock up all manor of delicious healthy home cooked meals with plenty of veg for pennies. You need to have a word with yourself if you are feeding your families bought processed crap because you perceive it to be cheap. Your laziness will make them ill.



Jumping to some conclusions there aren't you?


This is my view I think some "good" foods are over priced especially as they go out of date fairly quickly. For the record my family eat very well and we also eat processed food, very fit never ill, it's about balance

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for low income families fresh food and greens are expensive. processed meals are cheaper if the government are serious about cutting obesity/diabetes etc then they would work on putting the prices of fresh food down


Absolute rot. I can knock up all manor of delicious healthy home cooked meals with plenty of veg for pennies. You need to have a word with yourself if you are feeding your families bought processed crap because you perceive it to be cheap. Your laziness will make them ill.



Jumping to some conclusions there aren't you?


This is my view I think some "good" foods are over priced especially as they go out of date fairly quickly. For the record my family eat very well and we also eat processed food, very fit never ill, it's about balance



Eating seasonal veg helps. Buying imported veg from one of the Durkas or Bongos is always going to be expensive.

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for low income families fresh food and greens are expensive. processed meals are cheaper if the government are serious about cutting obesity/diabetes etc then they would work on putting the prices of fresh food down


Are you mad? I can make ace food for naff all, couple of spuds, couple of leeks, bit of milk, water, stock cube - lushest leek and tatty soup for less than £2. I wouldn't buy cheap chicken myself but if you're poor (whatever that means, too poor to afford food but you've got a big telly and an iPhone 743? as is) a couple of cheap chicken breasts chopped up, mixed with egg white and cornflour then deep fried are far superior to chicken nuggets, 1 carrot, 1/8 of a cabbage, an onion, bit of honey, bit of soy sauce and packet of 25p noodles similar to a chow mein - yada yada, lasagne, £2.50 tops.

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Why is fruit juice exempt? I heard orange juice described as obesity in a carton. The sugar content is about the same as full fat coke.


My problem with fizzy drinks is that it is increasingly difficult to find ones without sweeteners in. I hate the taste of artificial sweetener. They put it in some ciders and in non-diet tonic water - ruins the flavour of a G&T.


Nothing wrong with the occasional sweet fizzy drink - problem is when you drink it every day by the bucket load. Perhaps the tax will help this.

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When I were a lad working down pit, we had one hot meal a day, a bowl of steam, and we were thankful for it.

You were lucky...we had one ounce of lard between 17 of us and we had to lick slugs off the neighbour's lettuce for dessert...aye, but we were 'appy...

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Why is fruit juice exempt? I heard orange juice described as obesity in a carton. The sugar content is about the same as full fat coke.


My problem with fizzy drinks is that it is increasingly difficult to find ones without sweeteners in. I hate the taste of artificial sweetener. They put it in some ciders and in non-diet tonic water - ruins the flavour of a G&T.


Nothing wrong with the occasional sweet fizzy drink - problem is when you drink it every day by the bucket load. Perhaps the tax will help this.

Smoothies are full of it too.


Glad I'm a diet coke man personally.

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I am close to 50, I am slim and exercise regularly, I don't drink drinks with loads of sugar and don't let my slim kids either as I have the common sense to understand that sugar will rot teeth and add empty calories that will make my children unhealthy and fat. But now I have to pay more in tax for the odd luxury, because of the fat fcukwits that have no will power or the common sense to understand that eating sh1t will make them fat and unhealthy and make them a drain on the NHS. It's not rocket science!


Well, your alternative instead of paying a little more for the odd luxury is paying quite a bit more to keep the feckers alive on the NHS 20 years later.


Prevention better than wasting limited resources on people who've done it to themselves innit.

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