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Sugar Tax


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It looks as though is going to be a legal challenge to this by all the deep pocketed multi-nationals led by Coke, so it is unlikely to see the light of day. Same thing has happened in other countries. Not that I normally back multi-national corporations in their machinations, but this does seem to be a very arbitrary measure lacking in logic.

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Cue the band of nutty professors paid to take a view that sugar is good for you or you actually need it and the equally nutty and vociferously vocal groups that call themselves something like 'Save our x' complaining about nanny states and lack of personal choice.


x = coke, pepsi , irn bru etc


Whatever the logic of this tax at least its got people talking about sugar in our diet. Hopefully one day we can look back in disbelief of how much disease it caused and how we were all led up the garden path by companies making addicts of us all to allow then to have a cheap way of making their shite food taste nice.


That's a bit late for my mate up the road who is learning to walk on his prosthetic leg. He has had type 2 diabetes for 20 years and it's really starting to impinge on his life starting with a leg amputation. He managed two lengths of the parallel bars yesterday. He is praying type 2 doesn't make him blind and that it doesn't take his other leg.


It's also a bit late for those rendered dental cripples/phobics whose first introduction to dentistry is a general anaesthetic and multiple extractions. Makes you think...... well it makes me think.

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Sugar doesn't directly cause diabetes, it can be a contributing factor in weight gain which puts a person more at risk from developing the type 2 but by far the biggest factor is genetics, ie inheriting the condition. This from the diabetes website ...


''There are two main types of diabetes – Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

In Type 1 diabetes, the insulin producing cells in your pancreas are destroyed by your immune system. No amount of sugar in your diet – or anything in your lifestyle – has caused or can cause you to get Type 1 diabetes.

With Type 2 diabetes, though we know sugar doesn’t directly causes Type 2 diabetes, you are more likely to get it if you are overweight. You gain weight when you take in more calories than your body needs, and sugary foods and drinks contain a lot of calories.

And it's important to add that fatty foods and drinks are playing a part in our nation's expanding waistline.

So you can see if too much sugar is making you put on weight, then you are increasing your risk of getting Type 2 diabetes. But Type 2 diabetes is complex, and sugar is unlikely to be the only reason the condition develops.''

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Fair comment b&b and there is a significant genetic influence but genetic are rarely the full story.


I agree that whilst refined sugar might not be the specific initial cause, it is a hugely significant factor in disease promotion. Many think the constant insulin spikes caused by regular sugar intake increase the body's resistance to insulin.

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