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Speckled Frost

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Mine too :-(


That's totally outrageous and entirely unacceptable... unless of course I get one in a prime spot.... ermmm.... who's building them S.P. ?

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Some places should be sacred, shouldn't they?


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CAMPAIGNERS are vowing to carry on the fight after the controversial decision by government planners to give the go-ahead for a 45 home estate at Knock Rushen, Castletown.

Save Our Scarlett will demand a review of last week's shock decision. If the decision is not reversed at the review stage, then the group will take the issue to appeal.


'We have got to,' said SOS chairman John Cringle.


Hartford Homes has been granted permission do develop the estate by building 41 new homes and converting barns into four homes, on land by Scarlett Road.


The site has been the subject of numerous planning applications over the past 11 years but, so far, no scheme has got the final go ahead.


Full story in today's Isle of Man Examiner.


27 June 2005

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It wasn't an arguement it was a question.


I'm afraid whenever the issue comes up, there people are up in arms about, but the reasons I've heard never get beyond, "That's totally outrageous and entirely unacceptable". It may well be, but the reasons it is outrageous and entirely unacceptable, continue to escape me. I was hopeing for more information.

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It does seem though they are building houses on the island at such a staggering rate. I don't think I would care too much if it weren't for the fact that these huge estates with their nightime sodium shields are a bit of an eyesore. I heard they were wanting to build another load of houses outside of Peel. Sounds ridiculous when Peel is seems to be falling apart in its community and economic base. Is the trend gradually growing greater that everything is centreing more and more on Douglas. I know Douglas has always been where almost everything happens but of the areas that have still have some charm they seem to be getting quieter and quieter.


I do think it is the case though that whereever more houses are built it does detract from the beauty of the area. Though I always feel that the more people come to the island the less the island has in the way of what I like (charm, beauty, idiosyncrasies and a separate culture) though on the other hand the residents do get richer. I do think there has to be point when things have to be preserved, though at what point will that be?

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Scarlett isn't such a big place that 41 homes won't be noticed.


There is still plenty of open space to build homes in the Island so I don't understand why it has to encroach on of of the most scenic areas.

I'd also be interested to know how many of these homes will be for first-time buyers and/or affordable.

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Why would you put affordable houses on the best bit of land to come up in years? If it must be built on, wouldn't it be better to have luxury places there?


Exactly, so any arguments about such a move addressing the Island's housing crisis wouldn't stand up in my opinion.

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Exactly, so any arguments about such a move addressing the Island's housing crisis wouldn't stand up in my opinion.


Couldn't you argue that an overall increase in the amount of housing stock would eventually leave more homes for first time buyers?

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Oh No! I love Scarlett too, apart from having to run round it at Cross Country!


Its quite a magical place and we used to go walking down their as kids - tryin to spot a Heron. Also used to get scared there as people said that the derelict houses were haunted and a witch lived in there! We used to really cak ourselves!


We also used to camp down there and have beach parties that were class!


Its a shame if they build them new modern houses down there? it will ruin the whole feel of the place I think?

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