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Brussels Attacks


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Its terrible what has happened in Belgium this morning. The so called religion of peace strikes again, yet Merkel still insists on opening Europe's borders and accepting millions from the Arabic islamic world. Not all are bad, but even if only 1% are bad, thats still a lot of bad people.


As someone who worked in the middle east for 3 years I know that their view of the world is radically different from ours. They place islam above all else in life, even their own families. Where we see kindness, they see weakness, with every act of appeasement or surrender of our culture, they will only be emboldened.


It is clear they will never integrate or accept European culture even when we offer the hand of peace. And the security services will use this outrage to further control the populations of Europe and make travel and going about our daily lives even more stressful. Dark days ahead I fear.

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Ordinary people just going about their daily business cut down by zealots blinded by a hateful interpretation of ideology and religion.


They revel in their cruelty and barbarism.



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yes. if we had just killed them all rather than a paltry million then this outrage would never have happened

Yeah, Belgium is well known for it's massive military attacks on the middle east with it's huge army. You idiot.

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yes. if we had just killed them all rather than a paltry million then this outrage would never have happened

Yeah, Belgium is well known for it's massive military attacks on the middle east with it's huge army. You idiot.



You might not be aware that they have been carrying out airstrikes in Iraq as part of the coalition, but I'm sure ISIS are. You idiot.

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yes. if we had just killed them all rather than a paltry million then this outrage would never have happened

Yeah, Belgium is well known for it's massive military attacks on the middle east with it's huge army. You idiot.


It's famous for being the country that armies march through to invade somewhere else.

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