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Brussels Attacks


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So the "anti fear march" has been cancelled due to fear. I thought the idea of such an event is to put a finger up to the "terrorists".


The organisers of a "March Against Fear" planned for Sunday to mark the Brussels terror attacks said they had cancelled the event after the authorities asked them to do so because of security fears.




So it awaits for the police to tell them when it is safe to do a march "against fear"whatever.gif

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So the "anti fear march" has been cancelled due to fear. I thought the idea of such an event is to put a finger up to the "terrorists".


The organisers of a "March Against Fear" planned for Sunday to mark the Brussels terror attacks said they had cancelled the event after the authorities asked them to do so because of security fears.




So it awaits for the police to tell them when it is safe to do a march "against fear":whatever:



Bruxelles and the EUSSR frightened fucking shitless.

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Unbelievable this could happen but then again this is the main problem Liberal Europe has in the war on terror




So they've let the main suspect go already through lack of evidence? You'd think they could at least invoke terror legislation and hold him for an extra week to allow more information to come to light? No wonder Europe can't fight these bastards. Completely unbelievable they could release so soon when the face is plastered all over CCTV and they've said he is their main suspect. Even if he had a rock solid alibi you'd think they could at least hold him longer to make sure - in the U.S the fucker would still be detained awaiting trial 10 years from now.


Yes, why let a thing like due process and justice for all get in the way?


The second we step off our perch as the "better man" and cast aside our principles to fight dirty then what is the point of having our principles if they are so easily cast aside when inconvenient?


Hurrah for due process and justice for all, never declare anybody guilty until proven so in a court of law. Well unless their names are Kate and Gerry McCann eh?

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Unbelievable this could happen but then again this is the main problem Liberal Europe has in the war on terror




So they've let the main suspect go already through lack of evidence? You'd think they could at least invoke terror legislation and hold him for an extra week to allow more information to come to light? No wonder Europe can't fight these bastards. Completely unbelievable they could release so soon when the face is plastered all over CCTV and they've said he is their main suspect. Even if he had a rock solid alibi you'd think they could at least hold him longer to make sure - in the U.S the fucker would still be detained awaiting trial 10 years from now.


Yes, why let a thing like due process and justice for all get in the way?


The second we step off our perch as the "better man" and cast aside our principles to fight dirty then what is the point of having our principles if they are so easily cast aside when inconvenient?


Hurrah for due process and justice for all, never declare anybody guilty until proven so in a court of law. Well unless their names are Kate and Gerry McCann eh?



Sigh, there is a difference between highly suspicious and acting guilty and actually being guilty...


That is why we have a criminal justice system, not some inbred hicks like you running around with pitch forks dolling "justice".

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Shooter in Washington DC.


One policeman wounded but OK.


Shooter has also been shot and wounded.


Don't worry folks it was a white guy with a gun that shot someone...not a terrorist...


Larry Dawson, 66, from Tennessee, was know to Capitol police after he burst into Senate House screaming "I am a prophet of God!"


So when will he be labelled a Christian terrorist then? (I won't hold my breath)

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Unbelievable this could happen but then again this is the main problem Liberal Europe has in the war on terror




So they've let the main suspect go already through lack of evidence? You'd think they could at least invoke terror legislation and hold him for an extra week to allow more information to come to light? No wonder Europe can't fight these bastards. Completely unbelievable they could release so soon when the face is plastered all over CCTV and they've said he is their main suspect. Even if he had a rock solid alibi you'd think they could at least hold him longer to make sure - in the U.S the fucker would still be detained awaiting trial 10 years from now.


Yes, why let a thing like due process and justice for all get in the way?


The second we step off our perch as the "better man" and cast aside our principles to fight dirty then what is the point of having our principles if they are so easily cast aside when inconvenient?


Hurrah for due process and justice for all, never declare anybody guilty until proven so in a court of law. Well unless their names are Kate and Gerry McCann eh?



Sigh, there is a difference between highly suspicious and acting guilty and actually being guilty...


That is why we have a criminal justice system, not some inbred hicks like you running around with pitch forks dolling "justice".



Typical reply from the mother off all keyboard warriors. You declared the McCanns guilty of being involved in their daughters disappearance though they have never even been charged and then you accuse people of judging possible suspects involved with the Brussels bombing without due process. Can't have it both ways rsole.

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Shooter in Washington DC.


One policeman wounded but OK.


Shooter has also been shot and wounded.


Don't worry folks it was a white guy with a gun that shot someone...not a terrorist...


Larry Dawson, 66, from Tennessee, was know to Capitol police after he burst into Senate House screaming "I am a prophet of God!"


So when will he be labelled a Christian terrorist then? (I won't hold my breath)



Did he happen to mention which God though ?

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Have to say though, when I first saw the title of this thread I hadn't seen any news, so I thought the subject matter would be something along the lines of 'film producer decides to make a sequel to Attack of the giant killer tomatoes'. But with sprouts.

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Unbelievable this could happen but then again this is the main problem Liberal Europe has in the war on terror




So they've let the main suspect go already through lack of evidence? You'd think they could at least invoke terror legislation and hold him for an extra week to allow more information to come to light? No wonder Europe can't fight these bastards. Completely unbelievable they could release so soon when the face is plastered all over CCTV and they've said he is their main suspect. Even if he had a rock solid alibi you'd think they could at least hold him longer to make sure - in the U.S the fucker would still be detained awaiting trial 10 years from now.


Yes, why let a thing like due process and justice for all get in the way?


The second we step off our perch as the "better man" and cast aside our principles to fight dirty then what is the point of having our principles if they are so easily cast aside when inconvenient?


Hurrah for due process and justice for all, never declare anybody guilty until proven so in a court of law. Well unless their names are Kate and Gerry McCann eh?



Sigh, there is a difference between highly suspicious and acting guilty and actually being guilty...


That is why we have a criminal justice system, not some inbred hicks like you running around with pitch forks dolling "justice".



Typical reply from the mother off all keyboard warriors. You declared the McCanns guilty of being involved in their daughters disappearance though they have never even been charged and then you accuse people of judging possible suspects involved with the Brussels bombing without due process. Can't have it both ways rsole.



Sigh (again) there is a difference between guilty (in my opinion) and guilty (as in proven beyond reasonable doubt).


I know these grown up concepts are hard for your time addled brain but at least try a bit harder.


And come on now...you're hardly in a position to call anyone a keyboard warrior...let's not forget you giving me a warning....

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Well I think I know now why the "names" of the suspects were released so rapidly after the indecent.


"It is now revealed that not only were at least three bombers involved in the March 22 Brussels attack well-known to Western security agencies, two – brothers Brahim and Khalid El Bakraoui – were both arrested, charged, and imprisoned for violent crimes in 2010 and 2011, the elder brother for shooting at police with an AK-47s automatic rifle during a holdup, and the younger brother for carjacking and possession of several AK-47s, respectively."





They apparently have quite a rap sheet between them, could anyone have not been more known to the "authorities" than these 3...


Incompetence or allowed to do it so the west can continue its political agenda with public approval....."Please keep us safe"


Apparently in Belgium, you can possess a small military arsenal, even use it against police, and still get out of jail early enough to travel to Syria to join a known terrorist organization before being deported without consequence, then join a terrorist network back home lined by equally known criminals to Belgium security agencies, before carrying out a deadly high profile terrorist attack.



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Sigh (again) there is a difference between guilty (in my opinion) and guilty (as in proven beyond reasonable doubt).


I know these grown up concepts are hard for your time addled brain but at least try a bit harder.


And come on now...you're hardly in a position to call anyone a keyboard warrior...let's not forget you giving me a warning....


Oh rsbandit, that's what I've been saying all along, ffs your dim, maybe that's why you really don't grasp the definition of keyboard warrior.


1. A Person who, being unable to express his anger through physical violence (owning to their physical weakness, lack of bravery and/or conviction in real life), instead manifests said emotions through the text-based medium of the internet, usually in the form of aggressive writing that the Keyboard Warrior would not (for reasons previously mentioned) be able to give form to in real life.''


I was the one prepared to say it to your face. You were the one who kakked his nickers when I offered you the opportunity to say it to mine. It would seem there's about as much chance of you accepting reality as there is of you ever getting a girlfriend. Feel free to embarrass yourself some more though, I find your clueless rhetoric exceptionally entertaining.

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