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Oh rsbandit,

Oh how cute, he is using part of my name and a derogatory term together...awww bless


I was the one prepared to say it to your face. You were the one who kakked his nickers when I offered you the opportunity to say it to mine.

You know you are literally the living definition of a keyboard warrior, with your warnings and offering me out fro a "chat". You have no idea who I am or what I could potentially be capable of. So you posture some more from your keyboard saddo.


It would seem there's about as much chance of you accepting reality as there is of you ever getting a girlfriend.

Oh noes he is making fun my relationship status (despite not knowing if I am single, have a partner or married). He must be a real bad ass dude, because he is really bringing out the big guns now...


Feel free to embarrass yourself some more though, I find your clueless rhetoric exceptionally entertaining.

You are clearly unable to understand the basic premise I am trying to put across and can only lash out like a two pint terminator on a saturday night. No one is impressed by your online posturing and frankly I am sorry for you.
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. You have no idea who I am or what I could potentially be capable of.
Lol, another hypocritical gem. Remember this post, our first interaction?


You really are dense aren't you. You claim you'll go all rambo on someone and then I point out the normal response for normal people is to be frightened when confronted by an armed robber.


You have literally just used your own quotes to make yourself look an even bigger KBW...


Brilliant (slow clap)

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Lol, do you yourself even believe half the shit you come out with? whatever.gif You're so hypocritical I reckon you must suffer from a multiple personalty disorder, all slightly different versions of self absorbed useless thick cunt. Now it's probably time for you to get back to your 'how to use a knife and fork without cutting your own hand off' lessons. Enjoy!

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Lol, do you yourself even believe half the shit you come out with? whatever.gif You're so hypocritical I reckon you must suffer from a multiple personalty disorder, all slightly different versions of self absorbed useless thick cunt. Now it's probably time for you to get back to your 'how to use a knife and fork without cutting your own hand off' lessons. Enjoy!

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap....

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Maybe me and rmanx should have our own thread where we can rip into each other when the need arises. When one of us posts something that the other disagrees with on a grown ups thread, the other could simply put 'see shouty thread' or just 'sst' and we could continue it there, leaving the original thread for debating between and with the rest of mf. No one else would be allowed to post on the shouty thread but they could obviously visit it when ever they needed a good laugh. wacko.pngsmile.png

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Only Government can save us....


We need another 50,000 armed police on the streets, we need all internet inscription removed, we need CCTV in every home, we need cash to be abolished and all transactions to be made electronic, we need every person to be micro chipped and monitored. We need a central world government, army and banking system, lets get out and demand these things now, before its too late.


Anyone that looks suspicious should be taken away and never seen again, please abolish the human rights act FFS...


We need to turn Orwell's 1984 intro an instruction manual for the ruling classes.

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