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Brussels Attacks


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Saw a "comment" on Facebook the other day...


"ISIS, the terrorist organisation that will go to all the effort of planning and carrying out terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels, yet won't attack Israel who are literally on their doorstep...



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Look at a map and learn something about Geography - also learning about how the free movement of people or its lack has an influence on terrorism might be useful.

Thank you for that brush off answer China.


I am not talking a conventional land war i.e. Syria and Iraq.


I am talking about lone wolf, small tactical unit operations i.e. Paris and Brussels.


Maybe if you got off your snidey high horse you wouldn't come across as so condescending.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like we are tripling down (quadrupling?) on our Middle East Adventures...


Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and now Libya. Although, to be fair apparently the SAS (the busiest regiment in the British Army if you believe the tabloids) have been there since before January.


Why learn a lesson when you can fail to learn it four times...


Does Libya have oil or other "liberate-able" resources?


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Use the UN for what it was intended for. Send in multi-national peace keeping forces and diplomats rather than sending British troops and British tax payers money.


Have the backing of international law instead of acting unilaterally (and often on the shadier side of things).


Maybe not instigate and involve ourselves in internal affairs of other countries in the first place.


Pretty obvious stuff to be honest.

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Rmanx, the problem is that UN peace keepers literally can't do anything because they have no mandate to do it. They'll be killed en mass in Libya. They are a token policing force about 100,000 strong. They were put into the Bosnian conflict in the mid 90s and failed to stop the genocide and massacres there. They were put into Somalia without any agreements with the parties and failed there. Rwanda again, genocide.


The majority of the troops come from poor countries because the countries get a stipend for providing the troops, but they are not well trained and will not stand up to any kind of assault. They simply are a shiny political piece but they have no ability to do anything useful.

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  • 5 months later...




The Muslim Menace strikes again

"Belgian media report that Hicham D is known to Belgian police and is believed to have links to jihadists who travelled to Syria to fight. He also served as a Belgian army officer until 2009."


What a good little mouth piece you are Tarne...

It's irrelevant what he was, it's what he is now that is the problem.



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The Muslim Menace strikes again


"Belgian media report that Hicham D is known to Belgian police and is believed to have links to jihadists who travelled to Syria to fight. He also served as a Belgian army officer until 2009."


So? All that proves is that no matter how well integrated you think he is, always keep an eye on the size of his lunch box.

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