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The Muslim Menace strikes again

"Belgian media report that Hicham D is known to Belgian police and is believed to have links to jihadists who travelled to Syria to fight. He also served as a Belgian army officer until 2009."


What a good little mouth piece you are Tarne...

It's irrelevant what he was, it's what he is now that is the problem.





Actually he is a symptom of the problem. The problem being that the West has kicked up a hornets nest (as well as arming the hornets when we tried to turn them against the wasps) and the West is now getting stung.


Reap what you sow.


And back to Tarne's original post, he was a terrorist who was a Muslim, his actions do not speak for the whole Muslim kind, in the same McVey and Breivik were terrorists who identified as Christian, but didn't speak for all of Christiandom.




Have a read...or don't (which is more likely to happen).

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The Muslim Menace strikes again

"Belgian media report that Hicham D is known to Belgian police and is believed to have links to jihadists who travelled to Syria to fight. He also served as a Belgian army officer until 2009."


What a good little mouth piece you are Tarne...

It's irrelevant what he was, it's what he is now that is the problem.



Actually he is a symptom of the problem. The problem being that the West has kicked up a hornets nest (as well as arming the hornets when we tried to turn them against the wasps) and the West is now getting stung.


Reap what you sow.


And back to Tarne's original post, he was a terrorist who was a Muslim, his actions do not speak for the whole Muslim kind, in the same McVey and Breivik were terrorists who identified as Christian, but didn't speak for all of Christiandom.




Have a read...or don't (which is more likely to happen).

Yes, I get how you see it, no need to read it. I see it differently.


End of.


You're still a traitor.

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Yes, I get how you see it, no need to read it. I see it differently.


End of.


You're still a traitor.



How does the saying go...


"You can't talk an idiot out of a position he didn't think himself into in the first place"


You prove that point quite admirably quilip.


How dare I bring facts to an idiot fight.

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Actually he is a symptom of the problem. The problem being that the West has kicked up a hornets nest (as well as arming the hornets when we tried to turn them against the wasps) and the West is now getting stung.


Reap what you sow.

If I accept what you say here, rmanx, and largely I do. We made a total Horlicks of the job. Where is the wisdom then in opening the borders of Europe to the very people who have reason to wish us ill and dead? This is a problem that has been building for decades and far from grasping it and doing something about it, Western leaders, particularly Merkel, have simply exacerbated it. No wonder there is discontent across the continent.


There is something in the liberal mindset that promotes the wellbeing of everybody except their own people.

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Actually he is a symptom of the problem. The problem being that the West has kicked up a hornets nest (as well as arming the hornets when we tried to turn them against the wasps) and the West is now getting stung.


Reap what you sow.

If I accept what you say here, rmanx, and largely I do. We made a total Horlicks of the job. Where is the wisdom then in opening the borders of Europe to the very people who have reason to wish us ill and dead? This is a problem that has been building for decades and far from grasping it and doing something about it, Western leaders, particularly Merkel, have simply exacerbated it. No wonder there is discontent across the continent.


There is something in the liberal mindset that promotes the wellbeing of everybody except their own people.



"Where is the wisdom then in opening the borders of Europe to the very people who have reason to wish us ill and dead?" Are you applying the Trump Skittles principle to refugees?

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No. Just asking you a question.


You've asked a loaded question.


Where is the wisdom in opening your borders to people fleeing a war we have a hand in escalating? Plenty. Is there a chance that dangerous elements will be among them. Yes. Should the majority be punished for the actions of a miniscule fraction of that population? No.


To answer the question in the biased form that you asked, the only way to stop "the very people who have reason to wish us ill and dead" would be to blanket ban all Muslims, because even though the terrorist elements within Muslim society account for something daft like 0.00000000000001% of the Muslim population, a total ban would be the only to reach your version of things.

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Liberals seem to have had their natural healthy caution extracted. The first duty of any government is to look after the welfare of its own people. That's me and you and our children. I am afraid aliens come a very, very long way down the pecking order whatever their situation.


If governments knowingly place their people in jeopardy they are neglecting their responsibilites. Liberals in power do not recognise this. They are too busy heart bleeding over the entire planet. They are also being laughed at by these "refugees" who are predominantly young men who have passed through umpteen safe countries before finding one to their liking.

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Liberals seem to have had their natural healthy caution extracted. The first duty of any government is to look after the welfare of its own people. That's me and you and our children. I am afraid aliens come a very, very long way down the pecking order whatever their situation.


If governments knowingly place their people in jeopardy they are neglecting their responsibilites. Liberals in power do not recognise this. They are too busy heart bleeding over the entire planet. They are also being laughed at by these "refugees" who are predominantly young men who have passed through umpteen safe countries before finding one to their liking.


"If governments knowingly place their people in jeopardy they are neglecting their responsibilities." You mean like invading countries illegally, killing hundreds of thousands of innocents, manipulating the political systems of countries by expelling their leaders and then killing them off before they can tell any juicy secrets about our government?


"Liberals in power do not recognise this. They are too busy heart bleeding over the entire planet." Unlike the right wing nutjobs in power, who cant wait to start bombing another country to ensure continued arms sales, sending more British young men and women off to die, and creating more unrest...making the rest of the world bleed in the process.


"They are also being laughed at by these "refugees" who are predominantly young men who have passed through umpteen safe countries before finding one to their liking." I'd rather be "laughed at" as you put it, then reviled and hated for our actions.


And just to clarify your mis-truth "predominantly young men":


"The United Nations has registered over 4.2 million Syrian refugees, a step in seeking asylum from other countries, and has a demographic snapshot of about half of them. Of the 2.1 million registered in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon there’s a pretty even split in gender: about 50.5% are women and 49.7% are men. For men and women, the bulk of refugees (a little under a quarter each) are between the age of 18 and 59."

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According to the United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR), the statistical breakdown of the refugees are pretty much split 50-50 between men and women.

However, of those who have travelled by sea through the Mediterranean, 69% are male adults, 18% are children and 13% are female adults.
UNHCR Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean

Now, not all of these are Syrians, although the majority of them are. There are also a number of people from Afghanistan and a small number from Eritrea and various other countries (all of which contribute 3% or less to the total). It is likely that a large number of these people who have made the journey anyway, as Europe generally receives tens of thousands of asylum seekers each year.

While the majority of those seeking asylum in Europe might be adult males, the statistics from the UNHCR show that of the total refugees coming out of the Syrian conflict, the split is pretty even, and around 38% of them are children under 12.

There isn't just one reason why hundreds of thousands of people make the decision to travel on this perilous path. There are a number of reasons why it might be adult males making the journey by sea:

  • The threat of daily violence has become too much to bear
  • Fear of forced conscription in Syria by both the government and Islamist groups, including ISIS
  • Better economic opportunities
  • Easier for men to undertake the journey by themselves than with their families or their partners, both financially and physically
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Thanks for doing the research to prove my point rmanx. Spot on.


So the refugees displaced from Syria into nearby countries (which is where you would expect people displaced by conflict to be situated) are evenly split male and female, but the chancers coming through a series of safe countries to Europe are 69% male and, in addition, presumably among the 18% children will be a very large proportion of adolescent males. And these are the ones we know about.

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