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Brussels Attacks


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Most of the 'children' are adult men pretending to be children for better treatment. We have a Muslim menace problem on our hands and have done for the past umpteen years. The menace is a horrible threat, and we're lucky we live on an island with a very minimal presence, not like Bradford or Birmingham.

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The Muslim Menace strikes again

"Belgian media report that Hicham D is known to Belgian police and is believed to have links to jihadists who travelled to Syria to fight. He also served as a Belgian army officer until 2009."


What a good little mouth piece you are Tarne...



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They are also being laughed at by these "refugees" who are predominantly young men who have passed through umpteen safe countries before finding one to their liking.

I think Britain's past imperialism is to blame for that. Britain told the world it was the best country in the world. The silly buggers believed it, and learned the language to boot. I'd go where they spoke the language too.

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Thanks for doing the research to prove my point rmanx. Spot on.


So the refugees displaced from Syria into nearby countries (which is where you would expect people displaced by conflict to be situated) are evenly split male and female, but the chancers coming through a series of safe countries to Europe are 69% male and, in addition, presumably among the 18% children will be a very large proportion of adolescent males. And these are the ones we know about.


Thank you for failing to read all of the facts presented:


"Easier for men to undertake the journey by themselves than with their families or their partners, both financially and physically"

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Most of the 'children' are adult men pretending to be children for better treatment.


Source or its bullshit



We have a Muslim menace problem on our hands and have done for the past umpteen years.


We have a war mongering government and a extreme right wing idiot problem that has fuelled this problem.


What we actually have is an extremist problem, not a Muslim problem.


Tarne and Woolley are classic "scared to death by the media" jumping at the sight or mention of a Muslim.

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I'd be more worried about this crowd than a handful of extremists:




This kind of ultra right wing extremism is far more insidious and worrying.

Those shaven headed knuckle draggers are about as much of a threat to democracy as the girl guides. They have more tattoos than brain cells. They also seem a little less likely to be equipped to cause mayhem...unlike your "handful of extremists".

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I'd be more worried about this crowd than a handful of extremists:



This kind of ultra right wing extremism is far more insidious and worrying.

Those shaven headed knuckle draggers are about as much of a threat to democracy as the girl guides. They have more tattoos than brain cells. They also seem a little less likely to be equipped to cause mayhem...unlike your "handful of extremists".



If you ignore and essentially legitimise this kind of movement it will only grow.


Look how UKIP went from a joke fringe group to a party that helped drag us out of the EU.


Ignore these Neo-Nazis at your peril.


Its like America, 94% of terrorist activity is not committed by so called "Muslim Terrorists" , with the majority being carried out by white, male, "Christians" with a fair few identifying with the Neo-Nai movement.


After the Brexit result (which for some reason the news is still misrepresenting as "the majority of the country voted in favour of Brexit" - No...only 33% of the country voted in favour, they only won because of lies and voter apathy (or ignorance)) reports of racially motivated crime escalated.

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What we actually have is an extremist problem, not a Muslim problem.


Tarne and Woolley are classic "scared to death by the media" jumping at the sight or mention of a Muslim.


I am not scared to death by the media or anything else for the umpteenth time. I see the events happening with my own eyes and I see how deluded and comfortable people like you are. The whole of Europe has an existential Muslim "problem" that is a threat to its citizens, occasioned by the stupidity of its own liberal elite.

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Well that's an opinion rmanx in relation to the "Brexit result".


Not an opinion, it is a fact.


Of the 46 million eligible voters, 17.4 million voted for brexit and 16.1 million voted for remain, leaving 12.5 million voters who either didn't vote or invalidated their vote.

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I'd be more worried about this crowd than a handful of extremists:



This kind of ultra right wing extremism is far more insidious and worrying.

Those shaven headed knuckle draggers are about as much of a threat to democracy as the girl guides. They have more tattoos than brain cells. They also seem a little less likely to be equipped to cause mayhem...unlike your "handful of extremists".



If you ignore and essentially legitimise this kind of movement it will only grow.


Look how UKIP went from a joke fringe group to a party that helped drag us out of the EU.


Ignore these Neo-Nazis at your peril.


Its like America, 94% of terrorist activity is not committed by so called "Muslim Terrorists" , with the majority being carried out by white, male, "Christians" with a fair few identifying with the Neo-Nai movement.


After the Brexit result (which for some reason the news is still misrepresenting as "the majority of the country voted in favour of Brexit" - No...only 33% of the country voted in favour, they only won because of lies and voter apathy (or ignorance)) reports of racially motivated crime escalated.



Really? Have I missed an awful lot of terrorism then ?

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I am not scared to death by the media or anything else for the umpteenth time. I see the events happening with my own eyes and I see how deluded and comfortable people like you are. The whole of Europe has an existential Muslim "problem" that is a threat to its citizens, occasioned by the stupidity of its own liberal elite.




I see the same events as you, but look at the why its happening and what the effects there after are.


Remember the shoe bomber? How much has been spent since then on shoe scanning technology?


Europe does not have a Muslim problem, it has a problem with 0.00000001% of the Muslim population that are either following a misguide perversion of the religion or have a personal vendetta against the West because of its actions.


I do have a giggle to myself when you keep using the term "liberal elite", who would that be exactly? The government and its lobby groups/special interest groups don't exactly seem to be following a liberal agenda with all the warmongering and austerity (war on the poor)

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I do have a giggle to myself when you keep using the term "liberal elite", who would that be exactly?


There has been an agenda to de-homogenise Europe for decades. It comes from the top down. It will be the end of European civilisations that have built over centuries. The pace and magnitude, when taken together with existing and projected demographics is beyond what can be absorbed and assimilated.



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