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Brussels Attacks


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And again, yes you are missing something...since 9/11 33 (granted this study was 2005/6 I think) have been killed by so called Islamic terrorists. You'd think if they were as hell bent on killing and destroying as they are portrayed in the media (and the fevered wet dreams of certain posters), it would be a lot higher wouldn't it?


Cancer starts with a single insignificant cell. It ultimately kills the host.



I believe the Nazi's had a similar view of the Jews. I mean, as long as we are making comparisons to another religious/ethic group...



You're a little twisted I reckon.ohmy.png

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I'd be more worried about this crowd than a handful of extremists:



This kind of ultra right wing extremism is far more insidious and worrying.


Those shaven headed knuckle draggers are about as much of a threat to democracy as the girl guides. They have more tattoos than brain cells. They also seem a little less likely to be equipped to cause mayhem...unlike your "handful of extremists".

If you ignore and essentially legitimise this kind of movement it will only grow.


Look how UKIP went from a joke fringe group to a party that helped drag us out of the EU.


Ignore these Neo-Nazis at your peril.


Its like America, 94% of terrorist activity is not committed by so called "Muslim Terrorists" , with the majority being carried out by white, male, "Christians" with a fair few identifying with the Neo-Nai movement.


After the Brexit result (which for some reason the news is still misrepresenting as "the majority of the country voted in favour of Brexit" - No...only 33% of the country voted in favour, they only won because of lies and voter apathy (or ignorance)) reports of racially motivated crime escalated.

The most disturbing aspect of these twats (see link) is that, assuming they're posing in front of their own car, they've bought a Suzuki Swift. Now they're shit - even though a militaristic elite that our neo-Nazi group probably admire bombed Pearl Harbor, they rather let themselves down subsequently with that nasty little oriental buzz box didn't they?
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Good old Mrs Merkel. How smart she is.

I agree. A very smart leader.


Smart enough to save houndreds of thousands of life's, and smart enough to have efficient security in place to capture the few bad one ones that get through on false pretenses, allegedly. Innocent till proven guilty and all that.


A role model for all of us. A very smart leader.

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German security services have been saying for a long time that the threat from imported jihadists is very real and they have insufficient resources to cope.


Either you're wrong or they are.

I would suggest death count by jihdist attacks would be a good measure.


If we were to believe the right wing news, we would consider every Muslim migrant ( I use that word for migrant and asylum seeker), is a jihadist, intent on killing as many westerners as possible.


1 million migrants to Germany so far. They are all connected to some sophisticated terrorist cell. They have guns, knifes, bombs. I would reckon an average kill rate of 5 infidels to 1 Jihadist is sensible.


That means there should be 5 million dead infidels in Germany alone.


Let's extend that model world wide. 1.5 billion Muslims, 6 billion total population. Subtract the muslims, gives 4.5 billion infidels... kill rate of 5 to one, sort of suggests that you and I are dead already.


I had dinner last Monday with a Muslim mate in a Muslim eatery. We went on to an Islamic "Hooka" pipe cafe after. I survived. How the fuck could that happen. 2 infidels ( the other was a Spanish dude), surrounded by 50 Muslims, and we survived.


So, how many infidels have the "Moslems" killed in Germany? Must be at least 1 million going by your logic. I missed that on the news.

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How many Muslims have been killed by western bombs this week. 150 in Yemen today. At a funeral. True, they were killed by the Saudis, fellow Muslims ( of a different sect), but it was western jets and bombs that were used.


Aleppo. An unknown amount. But 250k people under siege. They lost their water 2 weeks ago. Not looking good. Hospitals bombed.


Yemen has no food. 3 or 4 million face starvation. Hospitals and schools bombed.


Bangladesh today. A militants attack killed a dozen or so.


A lot of this is Muslim on Muslim. I accept that. But it is underwritten by western powers supporting the Saudi whhabist regime.


How many Islamic terror attacks on the west this week?


Does it not all depend on how we define terrorism? let's start with regime change by use of armed force. We done that in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lybia. We bombed the fuck out of them, and are still doing it. Add Syria and Yemen to that.


We do drone attacks in Pakistan. America is setting up a drone base in Nigeria. How many millions of people wake up in the morning not knowing if they will be collateral damage? Poor people. People living under sanctions in many cases. If they die, it will not be reported on the news. Their death will be met with a high five in a military base a long way away. And the high fivers will go home to be treated as heroes with post traumatic stress disorder.


To get real with this terror threat. How many of the millions of victims of this destruction have taken revenge on the west? You know what I mean. Running into a shopping center with a suicide vest shouting " This is for my mum, you killed her you fuckers!".


I think the answer is zero. Think about it. Is it zero,1,2,3,4,5? Spin it any way you want. You won't get above 10. Fuck, I can't get above zero. Do the best you can. List them below. Let's do evidence.


We will bomb another school tomorow, or a hospital. We will bomb somewhere. The Russians will bomb a unit aremed by the Americans, the Americans will bomb a unit armed by the Russians, and the British will bomb where they are told to. I have no idea who the French are bombing. But I know the Turks are bombing the Kurds.


What a total fuckup.


And Angela Merkel saves a million people from this.


But she is an idiot because one or two revenge seekers get caught by her security forces.


I would say that makes her fucking smart. I don't like what she done to Greece, but what she has done for the innocent people of Syria ensures her place in the record as a humanitarian of the first order. A true world leader. We need more like her.

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I would say that makes her fucking smart. I don't like what she done to Greece, but what she has done for the innocent people of Syria ensures her place in the record as a humanitarian of the first order. A true world leader. We need more like her.


Then we could all live happily ever after in the best of all possible worlds under a single government.

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I would say that makes her fucking smart. I don't like what she done to Greece, but what she has done for the innocent people of Syria ensures her place in the record as a humanitarian of the first order. A true world leader. We need more like her.


Then we could all live happily ever after in the best of all possible worlds under a single government.



Would it matter if we did? The current ones aren't exactly overly concerned with the peasants.

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I would say that makes her fucking smart. I don't like what she done to Greece, but what she has done for the innocent people of Syria ensures her place in the record as a humanitarian of the first order. A true world leader. We need more like her.


Then we could all live happily ever after in the best of all possible worlds under a single government.



Would it matter if we did? The current ones aren't exactly overly concerned with the peasants.


It'd be great. Except all the peasants would be fighting each other. It's what humans do.

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It'd be great. Except all the peasants would be fighting each other. It's what humans do.




Hardly surprising when some can only see the world full of hatred and separation.


Out of interest, would you vote for Trump (if you were American obviously)? Or Farage if (heaven forbid) he ran for PM?

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It'd be great. Except all the peasants would be fighting each other. It's what humans do.




Hardly surprising when some can only see the world full of hatred and separation.


Out of interest, would you vote for Trump (if you were American obviously)? Or Farage if (heaven forbid) he ran for PM?


Of course not. Not got the brains of a gnat between them!


The world IS full of hatred and separation, so I see it as it is. I'm not John Lennon.

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Of course not. Not got the brains of a gnat between them!



The world IS full of hatred and separation, so I see it as it is. I'm not John Lennon.



No surprise then that you are so distrustful and show such hatred for people you don't know.


The world is not full of hate and separation. What a miserable world is must be for you.

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