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Of course not. Not got the brains of a gnat between them!



The world IS full of hatred and separation, so I see it as it is. I'm not John Lennon.



No surprise then that you are so distrustful and show such hatred for people you don't know.


The world is not full of hate and separation. What a miserable world is must be for you.


No it is not. The world is wonderful, warts and all. But then I don't live in a fool's paradise. Neither do I hate anyone unless they have given me cause. There are very few individuals who have done so.

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Of course not. Not got the brains of a gnat between them!



The world IS full of hatred and separation, so I see it as it is. I'm not John Lennon.



No surprise then that you are so distrustful and show such hatred for people you don't know.


The world is not full of hate and separation. What a miserable world is must be for you.


No it is not. The world is wonderful, warts and all. But then I don't live in a fool's paradise. Neither do I hate anyone unless they have given me cause. There are very few individuals who have done so.



So why your constant anti-Muslim stance?

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I am not anti-Muslim. I do find Islam an oppressive creed but each to their own. I am certainly anti-Islamisation of Europe because it will end in tears and that is going to benefit nobody.


When you say "islamification of Europe" what do you mean?

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It'd be great. Except all the peasants would be fighting each other. It's what humans do.


Hardly surprising when some can only see the world full of hatred and separation.


Out of interest, would you vote for Trump (if you were American obviously)? Or Farage if (heaven forbid) he ran for PM?

Depends who they are running against. Were I American, I could not bring myself to vote for Clinton. So, it would be either Trump or a spoiled paper.


Farage is a far more clever person than most people think. The media cherry pick and distort the truth to suit their paymasters. We will see much more of this over the next two to three years as Brexit happens. Since the referendum, the media have done nothing but try to show Brexit as a massive mistake. They ignore the facts such as the FTSE reaching all time highs, large amounts of inward investment due to the advantageous exchange rate, etc. In fact the exchange rate at current levels totally negates any European import tariffs, and then some. But let's not let the truth get in the way of controlling people's thoughts, or selling newspapers

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But let's not let the truth get in the way of controlling people's thoughts, or selling newspapers



You mean like the £350 million points into the NHS post Brexit....ohhhhh wait






"Treasury coffers will take a £66 billion annual hit if Britain goes for a so-called hard Brexit, Cabinet ministers have been warned.

Leaked Government papers suggest leaving the single market and switching to World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules would cause GDP to fall by up to 9.5 per cent compared with if the country remained in the European Union."






"If there is one sentence that explains the referendum result, though, it’s this one from the website of the Advertising Standards Agency. “For reasons of freedom of speech, we do not have remit over non-broadcast ads where the purpose of the ad is to persuade voters in a local, national or international electoral referendum.” In other words, political advertising is exempt from the regulation that would otherwise bar false claims and outrageous promises. You can’t claim that a herbal diet drink will make customers thinner, but you can claim that £350m a week will go to the NHS instead of the European Union.

The brains behind the Leave victory discovered this loophole in their earlier incarnation as the NoToAV campaign, promising that the cost of a new voting system would deprive babies in incubators or squaddies in Afghanistan of a spurious figure plucked from the air. And they got away with it."

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@ rmanx: When you say "islamification of Europe" what do you mean?



Try a visit to Bradford, or Leicester, or Marseilles, or Stockholm. You'll get the idea. Eventually. Maybe.


I have been to Bradford...


"The district has the largest proportion of people of Pakistani ethnic origin (20.3%) in England. The largest religious group in Bradford is Christian (45.9% of the population). Nearly one quarter of the population (24.7%) are Muslim."

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@ rmanx: When you say "islamification of Europe" what do you mean?



Try a visit to Bradford, or Leicester, or Marseilles, or Stockholm. You'll get the idea. Eventually. Maybe.


I have been to Bradford...


"The district has the largest proportion of people of Pakistani ethnic origin (20.3%) in England. The largest religious group in Bradford is Christian (45.9% of the population). Nearly one quarter of the population (24.7%) are Muslim."


Give me strength. Have a look what it was 50 years ago, now and then project it 50 years into the future taking demographic trends into account. I think Leicester will actually have the dubious honour of being the first Islamic majority city in the UK. This is a constantly developing situation. It isn't frozen in aspic.

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What I see in larger northern towns is "white" people moving away to other cities/towns looking for work and other opportunities, and the void being filled as a result.

I think you'll find it was the other way around!! White flight they call it.



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