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Brussels Attacks


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Ordinary people just going about their daily business cut down by zealots blinded by a hateful interpretation of ideology and religion.


They revel in their cruelty and barbarism.



You writing about us or them?


yes. if we had just killed them all rather than a paltry million then this outrage would never have happened


"We" didn't kill a paltry million.


"We" were stupid enough to plan a war where at the end of that war the head of a genocidal state had been removed, his terror apparatus disbanded, and then "we" assumed the country would work together to reform and rebuild itself in a similar manner to Germany in 1945.


"We" were stupid enough to invest billions upon billions to try to do this, but that treasure and much much blood, both "ours" and "theirs" was then wasted as that country descended into barbarity fed by religious and tribal partisanship.


Yes, if you break it you own it, and "our" governments have to bear a huge burden for the incompetence with which they managed "their" war.


But "we" didn't create murderous militias, or undertake ethnic cleansing of mixed Shia/Sunni neighbourhoolds, or deliberately target Mosques and public markets. These people killed a paltry million far more than GI's or Tommy Atkins.


And "we" have not been responsible for Syria's descent along almost exactly the same trajectory. We came very late to that particular party.


The strong man, happy to torture, allied to Militias happy to wreck and rape, alongside the Mullah happy to spew hatred, and the Jihadist happy to crucify, enslave and slaughter created that little hell all on their own - and yes we've now decided to bomb it too.


Now can you both explain what this has to do with the people of Belgium.


Your justifications and rationalizations of deliberate cold blooded murder might, just might, have some justification if these acts had been perpetrated in London or Washington, but Belgium.


I realize you are willing to forgive these people for almost everything, but really, must you also attempt to forgive their appalling understanding of Geography too?

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And don't bother asking why. If you can't see a problem NOBODY can explain it to you.


Someone else's words:


"I'll make it as simple as possible for you: there are currently 1,6 billion Muslims in the world. About 15 million of them are Jihadists of some sort. That's quite a lot and a huge problem for everyone, but it's still only a small fraction of all Muslims. The goal of groups like the IS is to drag as many people from the general Muslim population into their camp, while our goal obviously is to drag as many people from their camp back into the general Muslim population. That is the actual fight, not the war in Syria or terror attacks in Brussels or Paris. The answer to winning that fight isn't as simple as tolerance, integration, bombs, deportation or wall, but more complex. If I knew how to entangle this, I'd tell you, but I don't. What I do know is that during the last 15 years the Jihadists were more successful at their attempts to gain followers and our reactions to it have not done anything to improve the situation, other than to divide our society and recreate a culture where it is socially acceptable to hate "others" and wish them death. Which is exactly the same Jihadists are trying to tell the rest of the Muslim world."

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Now can you both explain what this has to do with the people of Belgium.


Your justifications and rationalizations of deliberate cold blooded murder might, just might, have some justification if these acts had been perpetrated in London or Washington, but Belgium.


I realize you are willing to forgive these people for almost everything, but really, must you also attempt to forgive their appalling understanding of Geography too?



If you're looking for a reasonable justification, look elsewhere. But Belgium have carried out airstrikes in Iraq. That will be their excuse.

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Looks like the media black out on using the words "Islam" or "muslim" is in effect. The best descriptor we got was "arabic shouting" and that was it.


We're fucked if we can't even say the word.





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Looks like the media black out on using the words "Islam" or "muslim" is in effect. The best descriptor we got was "arabic shouting" and that was it.


We're fucked if we can't even say the word.






Why on earth would the media use the word "Islam" or "Muslim" to describe people who as yet have not been identified? It's not a media blackout for fuck's sake. I think the tin foil hat is stopping your brain from breathing properly.

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Brussels capital is 25% Muslim. For fucks sake Europe. A quarter fucking muslim.

You know non-muslims have killed way more muslims than the other way round in the last 20 years right?


And we wonder why they have a grudge with us...


I don't wonder why at all. The mutual emnity is obvious. I do wonder why the powers that be think it's a good idea to bring in hordes of people from the very places that are likely to harbour the greatest grudge and let them loose to terrorise their own populations. Looks like treason to me.

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Brevik was back in the news the other day. Not one of the mainstream outlets referred to him as a terrorist, but as "perpetrator" and "mass murderer".


Certainly points to a certain biased out there based on nationality and ethnicity...

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Brussels capital is 25% Muslim. For fucks sake Europe. A quarter fucking muslim.

You know non-muslims have killed way more muslims than the other way round in the last 20 years right?


And we wonder why they have a grudge with us...

I don't wonder why at all. The mutual emnity is obvious. I do wonder why the powers that be think it's a good idea to bring in hordes of people from the very places that are likely to harbour the greatest grudge and let them loose to terrorise their own populations. Looks like treason to me.

You do understand that all Muslims aren't terrorist and that the vast majority just want to live out peaceful lives just like the rest of us?

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