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Brussels Attacks


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You can't help it. You've been conditioned your entire life.



Are you being paid per smug, condescending and self congratulatory post you make?


You're a by product of a era that is passing and you're just angry at the world for moving on with out you.

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You can't help it. You've been conditioned your entire life.



Are you being paid per smug, condescending and self congratulatory post you make?


You're a by product of a era that is passing and you're just angry at the world for moving on with out you.


No I'm not paid. I do it for free and gratis. It isn't moving on. It's moving backward to make all the same mistakes over again. When war disappears from the living memory it is a dangerous time. Don't be deluded into thinking that your generation has all of the answers. You are merely the latest in a very long line who discover just how fallible their rose tinted spectacles are. You are no better placed to solve the intractable problems of the world than those who went before you, and because of your liberal prejudices you are particularly ill-equipped to cope.

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But let's not let the truth get in the way of controlling people's thoughts, or selling newspapers


You mean like the £350 million points into the NHS post Brexit....ohhhhh wait






"Treasury coffers will take a £66 billion annual hit if Britain goes for a so-called hard Brexit, Cabinet ministers have been warned.

Leaked Government papers suggest leaving the single market and switching to World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules would cause GDP to fall by up to 9.5 per cent compared with if the country remained in the European Union."






"If there is one sentence that explains the referendum result, though, it’s this one from the website of the Advertising Standards Agency. “For reasons of freedom of speech, we do not have remit over non-broadcast ads where the purpose of the ad is to persuade voters in a local, national or international electoral referendum.” In other words, political advertising is exempt from the regulation that would otherwise bar false claims and outrageous promises. You can’t claim that a herbal diet drink will make customers thinner, but you can claim that £350m a week will go to the NHS instead of the European Union.

The brains behind the Leave victory discovered this loophole in their earlier incarnation as the NoToAV campaign, promising that the cost of a new voting system would deprive babies in incubators or squaddies in Afghanistan of a spurious figure plucked from the air. And they got away with it."

I forgot the telegraph were exempt from being media! Besides, term like "Government leaked papers" basically mean "scaremongering bullshit".


As for your guff about the standards and effectively the legality of the referendum, it is simply that. Guff! You lost. Now, get behind the future!

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But let's not let the truth get in the way of controlling people's thoughts, or selling newspapers


You mean like the £350 million points into the NHS post Brexit....ohhhhh wait






"Treasury coffers will take a £66 billion annual hit if Britain goes for a so-called hard Brexit, Cabinet ministers have been warned.

Leaked Government papers suggest leaving the single market and switching to World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules would cause GDP to fall by up to 9.5 per cent compared with if the country remained in the European Union."






"If there is one sentence that explains the referendum result, though, its this one from the website of the Advertising Standards Agency. For reasons of freedom of speech, we do not have remit over non-broadcast ads where the purpose of the ad is to persuade voters in a local, national or international electoral referendum. In other words, political advertising is exempt from the regulation that would otherwise bar false claims and outrageous promises. You cant claim that a herbal diet drink will make customers thinner, but you can claim that £350m a week will go to the NHS instead of the European Union.

The brains behind the Leave victory discovered this loophole in their earlier incarnation as the NoToAV campaign, promising that the cost of a new voting system would deprive babies in incubators or squaddies in Afghanistan of a spurious figure plucked from the air. And they got away with it."

When the news reports are that the Treasury HAS taken a £66bn hit then I'll listen (which they never will of course as leaving the EU will save Britain not destroy it). Until then I'll take such headlines are the inflammatory rubbish they are.
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The sad fact is that there are so many British people who have been brought up under the liberal agenda to be embarrassed about their country and they spend their time apologising about everything it has ever stood for. They are at the highest level of business, civil service, the media, you name it, they are there. This is what is meant by the liberal elite. They are driven by a set of inverse and perverse values. So, for instance, we cannot deport a jihadi preacher who calls for death to us all, because if we do, his countrymen who are less "enlightened" than us, are more than likely going to lynch him. And of course that would never do because we are civilised. We will recognise his "human rights" and keep him at our expense while he continues to call for our demise and to use our legal system for his own protection.


I know lots of younger people with these views. Almost as though we deserve to be attacked for being who we are and it serves us right. So we get lots of this scaremongering stuff put over by statisticians and the media and it's one more aspect of the same national malaise. They are eager to push an anti-British narrative and they see it as their duty to do so. After all, it's understandable because we brought it all upon ourselves.

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The sad fact is that there are so many British people who have been brought up under the liberal agenda to be embarrassed about their country and they spend their time apologising about everything it has ever stood for. They are at the highest level of business, civil service, the media, you name it, they are there. This is what is meant by the liberal elite. They are driven by a set of inverse and perverse values. So, for instance, we cannot deport a jihadi preacher who calls for death to us all, because if we do, his countrymen who are less "enlightened" than us, are more than likely going to lynch him. And of course that would never do because we are civilised. We will recognise his "human rights" and keep him at our expense while he continues to call for our demise and to use our legal system for his own protection.


I know lots of younger people with these views. Almost as though we deserve to be attacked for being who we are and it serves us right. So we get lots of this scaremongering stuff put over by statisticians and the media and it's one more aspect of the same national malaise. They are eager to push an anti-British narrative and they see it as their duty to do so. After all, it's understandable because we brought it all upon ourselves.

Reminds me very much of the Monty Python scene where the generals in the 1800's British Empire are all sat round the dinner table congratulating themselves on how well things are going, as bombs land around them blowing the roof and walls off the building they are in.

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Who are we at war with then rmanx?


Let me see we have troops in the following countries:


Iraq (since 2003)

Afghanistan (since 2001)


British Special forces are active in Libya,Yemen and the Ukraine


Everyday we are dropping millions of pounds of bombs somewhere.


And before you get snippy about the definition of war, as long as British troops are in harms way on foreign soil, that's good enough for me.

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