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Brussels Attacks


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id imagine around 25% of westerners would agree with him


we should rush out to demonstrate on the streets otherwise this proves beyond doubt that we are sympathetic to his extremist viewpoint. its the only logical conclusion

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.obviously we are going to have to kill some of them back now, its only fair. must be a tough decision for the safe and sound politicians to put their hapless plebs in this position. where the innocent are the only targets because they themselves are so well protected and unlikely to be living next door to a radicalised muslim any time soon

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Why is it every time Muslims commit murder, the first reaction of the political correctness do gooders is to defend Islam, then criticise the west, and then accuse anyone who criticises Islam of being extremist. Blowing people up is extreme. Criticising Islam for its violent ways is common sense. Close the borders would be common sense but we're not allowed to say that without you lot calling us racist, even though Islam isn't a race, it's a religion.

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Why is it every time non-Muslims commit murder, the first reaction of the far right nutjobs political correctness do gooders is to distance the situation away from their religion, nationality and ethnicity defend Islam, then criticise the west, and then accuse anyone who criticises Islam of being extremist.

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Why is it every time non-Muslims commit murder, the first reaction of the far right nutjobs political correctness do gooders is to distance the situation away from their religion, nationality and ethnicity defend Islam, then criticise the west, and then accuse anyone who criticises Islam of being extremist.



I didn't write that. You have edited my words!

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Why is it every time non-Muslims commit murder, the first reaction of the far right nutjobs political correctness do gooders is to distance the situation away from their religion, nationality and ethnicity defend Islam, then criticise the west, and then accuse anyone who criticises Islam of being extremist.


I didn't write that. You have edited my words!

Never mind ..

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One big problem is that previously, as in places like Belfast, the threat of lethal force was a deterrant. That is no longer the case. So the remaining weapons are vigilence and intelligence gathering.


Thanks to the EU borders are really porous which makes a difficult job even harder.


And theres the rub. To keep us safe from the terrorists the security services have to succeed every time. To kill us the terrorists only have to succeed once.


It's an impossible ask...

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I see the usual appeasement shit is being spouted then, ''and we wonder why they have a grudge, not all Muslims are the same, blah blah blah etc etc! Nobody is saying they are all the same, but it seems the appeasement lobby are trying to brand all westerners the same, ie deserving of the wrath of this Islamist human sub species. Here's the thing, if I had friends, family, loved ones etc who were caught up in something like this then damn right I'd want revenge, I'd want revenge on the actual monsters that did it, not innocent Muslim men women and children. The thought of traveling to the nearest Muslim/Islamic country and targeting innocent people wouldn't even occur to me. And how many of the goat shagging sand monkeys who have perpetrated the recent atrocities have actually been directly adversely affected by western military operations and policies anyway? Very few I'd wager, most have probably been welcomed in and offered food, accommodation etc as refugees. We need to realize these murdering scum bags just enjoy slaughtering innocent civilians. You only have to read some of the information on how Isis et al treat 'fellow' Muslims in captured cities across the middle east to understand that nothing (besides Allah and a pedophile) is sacred to them, and nothing will get in the way of their thirst for power.

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One big problem is that previously, as in places like Belfast, the threat of lethal force was a deterrant. That is no longer the case. So the remaining weapons are vigilence and intelligence gathering.


Thanks to the EU borders are really porous which makes a difficult job even harder.


And theres the rub. To keep us safe from the terrorists the security services have to succeed every time. To kill us the terrorists only have to succeed once.


It's an impossible ask...

I've listened to former members of the IRA make it quite clear that the threat of lethal force wasn't a deterrent to them - they knew the game they were in and it wasn't tiddly winks - they were on active duty and knew the risks.


There's nothing particular about religion or Islam that makes people willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. Suicide bombing was brought into the "mainstream" just as much via the Tamil Tigers, a "secular" political group waging what it saw as a justified armed struggle, as by Hezbollah.

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